Chapter 12

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Slay eyed his brother who simple eyed him back. In their youth they would have been impossible to tell apart, but now it was clear which was which. Slayouyo was ill and to most would appear hardly able to stand. Even so Slay wouldn't underestimate his brother. This would be the end to their long struggle. Neither of them had moved since the others had left. Which of them would make the first move?

"Are you sure we can't just go home?" Slay asked. "End this all peacefully?"

"I wish I could, brother." Slayouyo said with a sad smile. "Maybe once everything is said and done we can laugh about this later."

"I miss the way things were before." Slay continued.

"So do I," Slayouyo said. "But those times are gone and even you, the new God of Time, can't bring them back. All that matters is here and now."

"Very well." Slay agreed.

Slay jumped toward his brother who tried to avoid him. His reaction was slow and Slay grabbed his brother's leg as he jumped away. Then he flung him into the ground causing large rocks to fly in the air. Without waiting Slay then grabbed him again and threw Slayouyo into a tree. The twin then doubled over on the ground throwing up a mixture of vomit and blood.

It hurt to see his dear brother this way, but he need to do this. Slayouyo need to be stopped. Still the feeling of pity wouldn't cease. In the end his brother wasn't wrong to be angry at the other gods, but his way of making them pay wasn't the right way. Killing the Creator and Maker wasn't the answer.

"Just stop Slayouyo," Slay begged. "Your not strong enough to beat me as you are."

"I'm well aware of that Slay." Slayouyo coughed. "Beating you wasn't the plan."

Slay raised an eyebrow, but his brother gave no hint on the meaning behind his words. If he wasn't trying to beat him then what was he doing? Slayouyo stood up and took a fighting stance, but almost fell over again. They might be enemies now, but Slay was impressed none the less. His twin was so weak after everything he had been threw, but still could find the strength to stand. 

Now it was Slayouyo's turn to attack throwing his foot towards Slay's face. Slay caught it and then twisted his brother's leg causing the sick man to cry out. No pleasure came to Slay from Slayouyo's pain. Maybe he should just end this. He had been hoping to convince his brother to come home willingly, but Slay couldn't take it anymore. He wouldn't just hurt his brother when it wasn't necessary. Slay focused his energy into a small ball of power that he planned to use to knock his brother out in one attack. With how sluggish his reaction time was Slay had no doubt his attack would hit it's mark.

Just as he finished charging his final move the ground began to shake. With seconds to spare the twins jumped away to avoid a large burst of chakra. It cut threw the earth and just kept going. Slay looked to see where it had come from and noticed it was from the direction Naruto and Sasuke had went. The puppet they were fighting must be a lot stronger then he had originally thought. Would those two be able to handle it.

"Your right to worry about them." Slayouyo said looking in the same direction. "They are the real targets."

"What?" Slay asked.

"If they die then this branch with become infected." Slayouyo explained. "The infection will then spread to the rest of the Universal Tree destroying it and leaving only a seed behind. This will cause the Creator and Maker to be weak enough for me to kill."

"You couldn't beat them the way you are now." Slay told his brother. 

"True, but I could always take the remaining Chakra from Naruto and Sasuke's fresh bodies." Slayouyo continued. "Also I've planned for this, so don't you think I would still have something up my sleeves?"

"I wont let you win." Slay said.

"Why must you insist on stopping me?" Slayouyo questioned. "When all is said and done the Universal Tree will be replanted giving life back to all the dead Universes it's forefather carried. The only people who will die are the Creator and Maker, as well as Father. You can even stay the God of Time with your dear Niraa at your side."

"Then what about you?" Slay asked. "What will you do when it's all over?"

"The Creator and the Maker had been looking for someone to take over their positions as rulers of the Universal Tree." Slayouyo said. "You and Niraa were their pick even though you were already the God of Time. Since I shall be the one to replant the Universal Tree it shall feed me power, so It makes sense that I should be the new Creator to replace those old wind bags."

"So that's it huh?" Slay said. "Your just trying to gain absolute power."

"I'm trying to make sure no one else feels the pain I did." Slayouyo spat. "I was cast out of the Realm of Gods and disowned by our parents! I didn't leave because I wanted to, and I bet they never told you that did they? Sure I was angry about not gaining my birthright, but I would never be so foolish as to start this all because of that."

Slay said nothing for a moment and began to take in what he was told. It was true he hadn't actually seen his brother leave willingly. Last he had seen of his brother before hearing he had left was the day they had been told Slayouyo wouldn't become the next God of Time. He had stormed out of their Father's office in a fit of rage never to be seen again by Slay until he first tried to infect the Universal Tree. If this was all true what did his Father and the other Gods gain from all this?

While thinking Slayouyo jumped at his brother in hopes to catch him off guard. Slay easily dodged kicking his twin away. He then launch his attack he had powered up still hitting his brother mid flight sending him farther into the air. His body stopped moving and he drifted to the ground like a rag-doll. Blood spilled from a cut on his forehead and his one arm and leg were both bent in strange positions.

"I'm sorry Brother, but it's over." Slay said approaching the injured Slayouyo. "I promise you though, if what you told me is true, then all those who did this to you will pay."

"It's not over yet." Slayouyo coughed.

Naruto and Sasuke suddenly appeared dashing any hopes Slayouyo had of his puppet coming to help him. He was surrounded, injured, and almost completely out of chakra that he could use. Slay was right about it being over, if he didn't have one finally card to play. I final gift from Death who had gone through great lengths to obtain such a rare item from another race of god like people, the Otsutsuki Clan. As they drew near Slayouyo removed the gift left to him showing the fruit of the Otsutsuki's God Tree. 

The Otsutsuki Clan had traveled to many different dimensions to find these trees and obtain their powerful fruits. They had even come to the Universal Tree's dimension which also had a God Tree in hopes to steal it's fruit, but had been stopped by Naruto in the original universe. Now Slayouyo had one and it held great power. Before he could be stopped he began to eat the fruit. The final battle was just getting started.  

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