12. 𝗱𝗼𝘄𝗻 𝘄𝗲 𝗴𝗼

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PETER TOOK THE TIME TO RUN THROUGH A BRIEF COURSE OF HIS SUIT AS HE NEEDED TO KNOW EXACTLY WHAT EVERYTHING DOES. Although Peter knows how to use his suit, many upgrades left the hero baffled, to say the least. Tony decided the give Peter more than what he needed, but the idea of having different types of web-shooters excited Peter. He could believe he has a web grenade--that's new. Karen--that's what Peter is calling his suit now--went over everything quite briefly.

If Peter had to say, the ricochet web was probably his most favorite, but the boy couldn't deny that the web gliders were another one of his favorites, too.

The superhero was lying on top of one of the many containments, trapped inside of the concealed building, and now, Peter was bored out of his mind. It felt like an eternity since Peter was locked inside the facility; the only company he has is Karen. As Peter's mind wanders around the thought of Liz, Karen was intrigued by the name as she listens to Peter gush over the senior student.

"She's--She's the best friend. She, uh, she's just a girl who goes to my school," Peter places his hand over his stomach as he stares at the ceiling dreamily, and his mind running over the thought of Liz. "And, uh . . . yeah. I just . . . I really want to tell her, but it's kind of weird, you know? 'Hey, I'm Spider-Man.'"

"What's weird about that?" Karens asks softly, digging deeper.

"What if she's expecting someone like Tony Stark? Imagine how disappointed she'd be when she sees me."

"Well, if I were her, I wouldn't be disappointed at all."

Peter waves his hand at the compliment, smiling softly under his mask. "Thanks, Karen," Peter's smile slowly turns into a frown at the mere thought about Eszter, but he was rather confused. There was something--a feeling--in the pit of his stomach whenever he's around Eszter. It was odd. Peter has never felt this way around her since he first met her, but what's more confusing is that they're the same feeling that Peter feels with Liz. He was starting to freak out. "Hey, Karen?"

"Yes, Peter?"

"How do you . . . how do you know if you like someone?"

Peter was puzzled by this new profound feeling towards Eszter and how he suddenly became nervous around her to the point that his palms would sweat. The butterflies he'd feel in his stomach, Peter was certain Eszter was the cause of it. However, Peter didn't know if he should worry or not about these sudden feelings.

"What do you mean?"

"It's just . . . I've been having this weird . . . feelings around my best friend, Eszter. I guess--I don't know. I guess what I'm trying to say is that it's weird, you know? I mean, not in a bad way, but like, in a friendly way."

"Well, how does Eszter make you feel?"

It was suddenly a therapy session with Peter and his suit.

Peter sighs, a small airy laugh escapes his body as he tries to find the right set of words. It was that feeling when you know how it feels, but not good at putting it into words. Peter was jumbled with how own thoughts and his heart, feeling like he was having a mental fight with himself.

"She makes me feel . . . great," Peter breathes out. A light smile breaks onto the surface but hidden behind his mask; it was subconscious. "I mean, she's my best friend. Eszter has always been there for me. She's really, really pretty--beautiful, actually. Obviously." Peter could see her, the way he pictures Eszter instantly, and how she's smiling. "But Eszter is more than that; she's nice, smart, driven. She's very sassy, like--like, she has a huge attitude, which is kind of cute, actually."

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