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Authors Note:Thank you so much for clicking on my story. This is my first Wattpad creation, so please bare with me if there are major grammar errors.
Also, please don't steal my story because, i worked really hard on it. If I see it published elsewhere I'll have it taken down.
Now without further ado, Onto the story!
I'm awoken from my slumber as my alarm clock starts blaring annoyingly, demanding me to shut it off.
     "Ugh" I groan into my pillow, before reaching for my phone and putting it on snooze. Another 5 minutes never hurt anyone I smile before laying my head back down onto my pillow.

      All but 2 seconds later my dreams are crushed as my mom busts through my door, night cap on and all, effectively ruining my plans.
    " Kenndrah , why aren't you up yet?" My mom questions.
"Mamma it's 7:00 am on a Monday and I'm a 16 year old teenager. You're lucky I'm not still knocked out." I groggily say.
       "Don't sass me child." My mom warns "Remember it's also 7:00 am on a Monday for me too but, I won't hesitate getting the belt"
       "Sorry" I say, fully meaning it. "I didn't mean for my words to come off as rude." I, Unlike my brother am the good child and I don't like stressing my mom out, especially since her messy divorce from dad 5 months ago.
      "Mhm. Now go wake up your brother while I go whip up some pancakes" she sighs before leaving and closing the door behind her.
      I groan as I get up out of bed "goodbye my true love" I say outstretching my hand over dramatically to my bed. If only I could act this goofy outside of these 4 walls.
        I walk out into the hallway and see my calico cat BB laying outside my door. I reach down and pet her as she purrs contently. At least one of us is in a good mood I think as I straighten back up and head to my 15 year old brother Devon's room. I'll feed BB after I get ready.
        I give Devon's door 7 hard knocks before I barge through- huh, guess I get that trait from my mom.
         "Wake up Dev" I urge my brother from his doorframe.
        "Go away!" He murmurs from his bed.
        "Mamma's already in a bad mood and I'm not allowing you  to make it worse" I laugh as I pull the covers off him exposing him to the cold. Just you're average autumn day in Canada.
       " Why would you do that? It's so cold" Devon says with a scowl that then turns into a fake pout.
     " Just get ready." I reply before heading back to my room across the hall. Just catching Devon sticking up his middle finger as I turn around. Brat, I think  as I ignore that gesture. Not bothered to deal with his attitude this early in the morning.
        I quickly shower and change into a pair of dark grey sweatpants and a light grey sweatshirt.
        After that, I  deal with the daunting task of gathering all of my light blue ombré box braids into a secure ponytail, before heading to the kitchen. I haven't ever worn makeup, so it's not part of my everyday routine.
         My mom and Devon are already sitting at the table digging into the pancakes when I head into the kitchen.
        I go to the kitchen cabinets and pour some cat food into a bowl for BB.
        Mom said if I wanted a cat then I'd have to put in the work because, she'd be my brothers and I's pet and that It'd be our sole responsibility to take care of her. I'd gladly accepted and now 3 months later here I am doing all of the work without Devon's help, typical. I could make him help but, I like to think this makes her my pet only. My fur baby.
       After, I'm done feeding BB I head to the dining room table and take one pancake. I'm not a morning breakfast person but, my mom insists I eat at least a little of something before heading off to school everyday.
        Devon sits across from me wolfing down his 9th pancake after he proudly gloated at his new record. I'm 5"4 and i couldn't eat large quantities of food at once. I didn't understand how someone so small at 5"0 could clear so much food that fast. Mamma says he's a growing boy, with a fast metabolism but, I'm still not fully convinced.
       I'm still stuck on the idea that he was switched with an alien when he was younger because, even those people couldn't handle him.
         "Devon are you done?" I ask As I finish up my last bite of food and stand up from the table.
         I live 30 minutes away from the school and I dislike driving so Devon is stuck walking with me too.
          " yeah let me go grab my bag" he answers as I head out the door. Devon's on the basketball team so he has to lug this medium sized gym bag to school every morning.
         I myself, could never see myself joining any school sports considering I strongly disliked participating in them.
I start harmonizing a made up song to myself while I wait for Devon. "The skies the limit baby tell, me why you didn't.  Maybe youuuu"
       " Nice Kendrah" my brother says as he heads out of the house bags slung over his shoulders.
       " Thanks" I say as we head off to school, not taking his compliment to heart. Most family members who have heard my voice have told me that I have a gift for singing. But, I know my voice can't be that great.
      As Devon heads inside the school building I'm left to my thoughts wishing I was still at home.
I have no friends to greet me unlike Devon, whose hoard of friends sweep him into the  sea of students.
Well, goodbye to you too brother I think as, Devon heads inside with his friends completely ignoring me.
Oh well, I think as I take stride, heading into the Lions den better not delay this any further.
I step into the building.


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