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        Authors Note: Thank you so much especially if you've read this far in my story. I'm currently number 48 in the category introvert and I couldn't have reached that position without your support.
Now without further ado onto the next chapter!
Posted: 15/11/18
          I sit watching the players doing their warm ups from atop the indoor gyms bleachers. It's been 20 minutes since their practice began and they'd just started their practice drills after having done stretches and running laps.
Devon had spoken to his coach, telling him I'd be staying cause I was his ride home. The coach had said he didn't mind so, here I am Rotating between staring at the players being bored out of my mind and playing run run on my phone.
There's a squeak as the gym door opens and in walks a late Diego wearing his uniform, lucky number 7.
"Sorry I'm late, Coach. I had to sort something out." Diego explaines.
"Moreno. 15 laps. Go. Now. Before, I bench you"
Well, i hope he stretched before coming here otherwise he's gonna have some baaaad cramps.
Diego starts running while the rest of his team dribbles balls back and forth.
After about his third lap he glances up at the bleachers and catches my eye briefly before continuing with the rest of his laps.
The gym door screeches yet again as Leon enters the gym this time. Wait, Leon? As far as I've heard he's on the football team, not the basketball team.
        As he walks in, he waves at the Coach and bumps his fist on his chest to a couple of the players on the team before heading to the bleachers. While he ascends he notices me sitting at the back left corner and grins, before starting in my direction.
       When he reaches me he takes a seat beside me "Hey. I never told you this but, the blue box braids suit you. I just noticed how bright they are when I was walking up these steps and I just thought I'd tell you... umm, what's up, I guess?" He awkwardly says, While scratching the back of his neck in such a way that he looks like a beauuuuutiful foreign model.
      I glance at the ground before meeting his eyes and saying "Thank you" in my uncontrollable nervous timid voice not used to compliments from a guy "I'm fine. How are you?"
      "Well I'm alright. I had football practice in the morning so I'm a bit tired. Don't worry I showered though" he laughs.
      The coach yells take 5 and
      One of the guys, who I'm assuming is his friend shouts out to him. "Hey Leon" then fake coughs and looks at me.
    Hmm, well that was weird. I notice that Leon's face has a slight tinge of red to it. Is he embarrassed? I decide to ask him
    "Is. He your friend?"
    "uhh, yeah. That's my best friend, Kordell"
    Kordell gives me a wink when i look down at him , and gestures for us to come down.
       Leon looks nervous for a second before, he asks me to head down with him saying that Kordell will just keep asking until we head down. I agree to follow him because, I was bored sitting by myself before he arrived.
When we reach the sidelines Kordell has a smirk on his face and says "Kendrah right?" While making eye contact with a nervous Leon
      "Yeah. How'd you know" I awkwardly laugh.
     "Well, my guy Leon" he places his arm on Leons shoulder "always talked about you last year" he coughs before saying in a mocking high pitched voice - the complete opposite to Leon's deep voice "Kenndrah's so nice dude. Shes so beautiful. She's so quiet and it's so cute. I wish-"
"Dude, shut up." Leon cuts Kordell off, with an elbow to the ribs while, his face is now flaming red. Me being glad that my dark complexion covers my raging blush.
      "Just trynna help my guy out." Kordell puts his arm up in mock surrender. He laughs before
saying "I did not know your face could get that red my guy" he then turns to me and says
         "Where, you from?"
       I awkwardly say "My moms from Nevis and my dads from Roseau, Dominica."
       "Aight. Cool I'm just on the next island over from Nevis. My parents are from St.Kitts."
       He glances at Leon before saying
      "I like this girl." Just then the coach blows his whistle and says everybody back in.
     "Well, that's my que." Kordell salutes before giving me a fist bump "It was very nice to meet you." He smirks before jogging back to his team.
        "I'm sorry about him. Just ignore him. He's just being Kordell. Normally. I'd be angry but, im too tired." Leon flushes and I smile at him.
          I chat with Leon on the sidelines some more before I hear someone yell out "Heads up." I look up and see a stray basketball flying towards me.
        I'm not given enough time to move or think as it hits my temple, immediately making my head ache as I trip over my own two feet and onto the ground.
         "Shit. Kenndrah, does it hurt?" Leon's immediately at my side. He touches my forehead and I immediately jump back in pain, fresh tears springing to my eyes.  But, I refuse to let them fall. Even in pain, I hate crying in public.        
        Leon gives me no time to refuse before he's picked me up bridal style and tells the coach he's taking me down to the main office to get some ice - and yes our school doesn't have a nurse. Really not a convenient thing at the moment.
         I hear Devon telling the coach he's coming with us before I hear his feet running up behind us.
        "Dang. Are you ok sis?" Devon asks "I was dying of laughter at first because, that was hilarious" he chokes back a laugh "but, then I saw this guy pick you up and I got worried."
       "Thanks. Devon for your...partial concern, let's call it. But, I'm fine and Leon... can you put me down now. I caused most of the damage when I tripped over my own two feet." I laugh before groaning out in pain.
          Leon glances at me with uncertainty before, deciding to listen to my wishes and delicately puts me on my own two feet whilst ,wrapping his arm around my waist to steady me.
      "Did you see what happened?" Leon asks Devon keeping his arm around my waist.
      "Yeah. One of the guys on our team was fooling around and said he was gonna toss the ball at your shoulder but, missed and nailed my sister in the head accidently."
         "I swear people can be such idiots" Leon grumbles.
      "Not, that anybody actually cares I got knocked in the head. I'm surprised you came with me" the words slip out of my mouth before, I can stop them.
     "Kenndrah. Why would you ever say something like that?" Leon asks me
     "Never mind that. Can we just head to the office now? My head is starting to throb." I lie.
      "Ok. If that's what you want."Leon agrees, though I can tell he's not happy I finished the conversation.
       Once, I receive the ice I leave the office and tell Devon to head back to practice and that I'll be in the car. Once he leaves I tell Leon
       "I'm too embarrassed to head back inside but, you go. I'm totally fine."
"No. If it's ok with you. I'd like to stay with you just in case something happens"
       I oblige and we head to my 2017 beige Jeep Wrangler, that'd been my birthday present.
     "Nice car" Leon exclaims
     "Thanks, it was a gift from both my parents. But, now I have to find a part time job for university due to them agreeing to buy me the car." I shrug as I unlock the Jeep and step inside, Leon following suit.
     "I hope you don't mind but, I don't use heating unless it gets really cold. So that I can save gas." I inform Leon.
       "That's totally fine. I could help you find a part time job sometime. I'm currently working weekends and Mondays at greens dinery as a chef."
        "Thank you i'd love the help. Also I love that restaurant, I find it cool that you can cook. I'm really the only cook in my family."
     Leon blushes before saying "I could totally get you a free meal or something one time. It'd be no problem."
        We sit in silence for a moment  before he asks "how's your head? I've noticed you haven't been icing it that much. A small bump is forming."
      Embarrassed I quickly cover the supposed bump on my head with the ice pack.
     "I guess I'd forgotten to."
    "...Listen, about what you were saying earlier about no one caring about you... do you really feel that way?" Leon asks me inquisitively.
"Ahem" I cough before admitting " you've probably seen that I don't have any friends like, at all. Zero. Or I mean you probably haven't because, why would you be paying attention to me? It's not like we're even friends."
I exhale before continuing "That's part of the reason I believe no one cares about me. I'm also quiet so most people probably don't even notice me. Why am I even telling you this? This is so embarrassing?"
"Hey! Stop putting yourself down like this. You as a person matter. Don't think about other people. By them not being your friend there just missing out on the awesomeness that is You. Look..." he scratches his neck before continuing.
"I'm so sorry you have ever and are currently feeling this way about yourself. I don't fully know you. But, what I do know is that your an amazing and nice person. This already makes you better than 80% of the people in this school. Screw their opinions."
I don't know why but, his nice words get to me and I literally start crying right there in my seat in front of him.
"Oh my gosh, this is so humiliating. I don't even know why I'm crying but, I can't stop."
Leon doesn't think twice before he wraps his beefy arms around me and embraces me in a bear hug. I'm too embarrassed by my emotions to even feel awkward about him hugging me.
"Kenndrah. You are enough. I just wish you knew how great of a person you are. I'm so sorry I stopped talking to you after our project. I'm so so sorry."
"Leon." I say between sniffles "It wasn't your responsibility to be my friend or even talk to me. We were paired up for a project. Like we are for Spanish class. I'm not your responsibility."
Just then there's a knock on my side of the car. I look and see Devon standing outside with a quizzical expression on his face. I wipe my face, before lowering down my window.
"Why aren't you at practice?"
"Coach cancelled the rest of practice and let us leave early... so here I am....Is my seat gonna stay occupied? Like am I sitting on someone's lap or riding on the roof?"
"Devon. . . I'm not in the mood for your jokes right now"
Leon speaks up and says " I guess I'll head back inside now but, remember what I told you. Keep your head up. Your cellphone number is the one on the group chat, right?"
I nod my head yes and he tells me
"Ok then. I'll text you tonight." Before exiting the car briefly greeting Devon and waving bye. Falling into a sprint as it starts raining.
Devon quickly hops into the other side of the vehicle and says.
"Since when do you have a boyfriend?"
I reply with "I don't" before I glance back at the school once more and start the car nervous but, eager to arrive home.

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