
15 0 0

Authors Note: Hope you enjoy this chapter!
I walk down the halls headed to my locker before my third period class, trying to calm down my nerves. I'd driven to school this morning and I'd have to drive the car back home today after school.
Earlier this morning my mom said I had to
drive to school today because, Devon 'wasn't feeling well' and so he'd be running late. Pshh mamas boy. I obviously didn't want to but, I know my mom would be upset if we were late. Thanks Devon.
I strongly dislike driving because of the anxiety it gives me. It's currently not something I want to work on now though.
"Hey. Wait up!" I hear someone call out.
I continue walking down the hallway headed to my first period English class, earphones in.
"Helloooo... don't you know it's rude to ignore people" I hear the same voice shout out again.
Wait... was this person actually talking to me. I throw a quick glance over my shoulder. Nah Couldn't be me I think, and keep walking forward . I don't have any friends.
This time I hear the thumping of footsteps as a person comes running up beside me
"Hey. Didn't you hear me calling you back there?"
I look beside me and see Yumi slightly panting. Visibly winded.
"Whew. Shouldn't have run. Asthma and running toooootally not a good combination." She quickly straightens up before asking- or more so telling me- "You're in my English class. Ms. Thomas, right? Sorry, I'd forgotten your name for a second. But your Kenndrah right?"
I was stunned. A person actually knew who I was? I take out my earphones and think carefully before replying brightly
"You don't talk much. Huh?" She asks, before nodding and saying "That's cool. To each their own. Everybody vibes in their own way. Yours just happens to be taking the quiet scenic route."
I nod my head not fully knowing what to say to that.
"Sorry for going unpredictable on you there. It's just how I think, you know? My therapist even says it's a good way to express myself." She laughs before saying
"TMI, I know. I should stop freaking you out and formally introduce myself. I'm Yumi. I love animals. I'm very flamboyant as you can see and I'm always up for a party. Whoot whoot" She cheers, throwing up her arms. garnering a few stares.
Damn, this girl wasn't kidding. She's extremely hyper.
"Wanna walk to English class together?" Yumi asks suddenly.
     I awkwardly say "Um, sure. I have to stop at my locker first." Maybe she'll lose interest in hanging out with me by the time we get to my locker.
"Soooo" Yumi exaggerates trying to think of something to say "what do you wanna be when your older. I'm thinking a Dietitian, so that I can help people improve their diets and shit you know?"
"Mhm. That's pretty cool. I've considered being a singer before but I have social anxiety. I've decided to just settle on being a dental hygienist since, that's a stable income." I reply easily.
"Nah girl, I don't mean to impose, by all means choose that career if it's your aspiration but, don't choose it just for the stable income. My mom learned that lesson when she listened to my grandfather and became a lawyer." She pauses before she continues
"She hates her job but, she's good at it and in her eyes that's all that matters. It almost drove my father away... anyways sorry for getting off topic. Forget I said anything. It's your decision at the end of the day" she glances at some nearby lockers.
I feel bad for her and suddenly want to take her mind off this. Although I find it strange- her coming towards me and starting a conversation-She's been kind talking to me so far, so why can't I return the favour? For some reason I feel relaxed around her. Something I should take note of.
"Can I ask why you came up and started talking to me?" I ask Yumi. I mean yesterday in Spanish class she hadn't spoken a word to me. "Don't I have a right to be curious?"
"Ouch. Totally harsh dude"
"Sorry. I didn't mean for it to come off as rude, it's just... no ones ever made the effort to start a conversation with me like this before. So, I'm just curious as to why you are." I state
      "Sorry, if I've bothered you or have come off as weird. I'm just a really intense observer and believe everybody deserves a friend." She smiles.
      "Well, it's really nice tha-"
     "Hey sis!" I hear an idiotic voice shout out at me, effectively cutting off my sentimental moment.
       "What do you want Devon?" I question when he gets to me.
"I called Mom at lunch and she said since you drove today. You have to wait until my basketball practice is done today."
I groan out my frustrations. His practice is two freakin hours long. Why? Why me? ... I mean...I could tell my mom no... hahaha yeah right. I needed that laugh.
"Sorry Kenndrah but, hey. You get to see a bunch of guys working out throughout the practice from the bleachers." He shrugs trying to sell me on the idea. though I'm not opposed to that I still reply with
"Shut up idiot. You know I don't like sports- this includes watching people participating in them" I groan out. Dang, well this puts an even bigger damper on my mood.
"Thanks. Glad you could understand. Love you" he gives me a quick hug before rushing back to his group of friends. Wise decision. If he hadn't have left at that moment he'd have gotten a knock upside the head.
" ... So, wanna head to your locker ?" Yumi pitches in.
During English class Yumi sat beside me and when I questioned why, she had said "Your my new amigo. Of course I'm gonna sit beside you now." ... strange girl.
It's now currently Spanish class once again and my group is working in the library. Ironically at the same table I was sat at just yesterday whereI used my nosey eavesdropping skills.
"No, Leon it's a form of expression not vandalism." Yumi concludes.
They'd been arguing over the past 10 minutes over if graffiti should stay an illegal art or not.
"Will both of you just shut up" Maria finally says. "you're giving me a headache and I'm already failing two classes. I don't need to add a third one to the list." She finishes with an eye roll.
       "Fine. But, this isn't over" Yumi declares glaring at Leon in a playful way.
       From the corner of my eye I see him glance at me then look away. What's with him, recently? Does he have a starring problem?
     "Since we now have the country of Colombia picked we now need a traditional food item" Diego follows up swiftly.
     "Well, my family always makes Buñuelos on special occasions. Not gonna lie they're pretty damn good. Just a suggestion. But, we don't have to choose that" I add.
          I've found contributing easier when I'm with a small group in a quiet area. It's like a safe space for me.
        "Maldita Chica. Eres español?" I hear Diego say partly under his breath. Staring at me mouth slightly parted, While leaning back in his chair. Today he has his hair up in a bun and damn if it doesn't make him look sexy.
         "No. I'm not Latina, I had a friend in grade school whose family originated from Spain. She taught me a lot." I quickly answer his question. Not particularly liking all his attention being on me.
"Oh too bad. I was about to call you a triple threat. Beautiful, Cute and bilingual." He winks at me before continuing.
"At least your'e still two for three. Try your luck, I'm sure you can tell which you are"
       Oh boy, was he always this flirty? I swear he was glaring at me in the library just yesterday. Why did I have to be the subject of his compliments right now?
         "Shut up Diego" Maria snapped shooting daggers at me, before turning to Diego and saying
         "You. Me. Hallway. Now!" She's clearly seething. I can almost see the steam coming out of her ears.
       "Hey. We've kind of got a project to work on currently, in case you've All forgotten" Leon interjects. "You can deal with this later. We've only got an hour and a half left to answer all these questions" he gestured towards a sheet on the table.
         "Yeah i totally agree man, although you did waste the first 10 minutes arguing with Yumi. Regardless , I want to spend more time with my boo" Diego declares while dragging my chair closer to him, putting his arm around the back of my chair. Mine!
          My eyes widen. Why is he dragging me into his conflict with Maria. I don't even know the guy.
         My eyes quickly dart to his arm. I feel a possible panic attack arising if this situation doesn't get controlled soon. My breath hitches before I start breathing faster, faster. My heart visciously pounding.
          "So, Buñuelos. Great Idea Kenndrah" Yumi saves me. Before talking some more. Bringing us back to the topic.
         I give her a small smile of gratitude. Happily elated that the attention was brought off of me even if just for a second.
       If this is what conversing with new people is like, I don't think I've missed out on a lot.

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