Act 12: A Heroic Festival

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"Izuku! Where are your shoes and shirt?!" Panicked Inko Midoriya.

Her hands in a blurred flurry Inko, investigated her son, his bruises, scrapes and pale complexion all duly noted and commented on.

"It's fine mum, I just got mugged on my way home..."

Making his way for the stairs up to his room Izuku was blocked by his mother, her hands entering round two of the investigation as tears of worry threatened to drip off her chin.

"You were mugged?! Are you okay darling, I'll call the police right away!"

About halfway to the phone Inko was stopped by her sons quick and firm grasp.

"I told you mum, it's fine." Definitively stated Izuku an almost painfully fake smile plastered on his face.

"I'm exhausted. I'm going to bed now."

Not even bothering to switch on the lights, Izuku escaped up the stairs towards his room, turning back to give his mother one last smile.

"Love you mum."


The sound of Izuku shutting his door confirmed that Inko was once again alone. Reaching once again for the phone Inko stopped herself. 'He didn't want me to call the police. What's going on with him?'. Distancing herself from the phone Inko retrieved the most recent letter she had received from the coffee table. How could she speak to Izuku about it after he had been mugged?

Tears once again streamed down her face, creating small blotches on the letter. Holding the letter closer to her face, she read it for what seemed like the hundredth time hoping she had misread something. Switching off the lights Inko gathered herself for a moment passing by Izuku's room.

'He needs to know, but not right now.'

Taking the letter with her, Inko hid the letter in her bedside drawer, crawling into her bed she glanced towards the picture of her husband, tears soaking her pillow as she drifted off into sleep.

Like mother, like son, Izuku crawled into his own bed. Closing his eyes Izuku was gently reminded of the desperation of a certain hero on his death bed. Gripping his bedsheets Izuku shuddered, barely able to will the tears welling up behind his eyes from escape.

Why is everything always against me?


'Today's the day of the UA sport festival...'

Having drifted into sleep, Izuku sat leaning against a wall with his head over his knees as his classmates conversed the imminent competition.

"Is everyone good to go?!"

Hearing Iida's sudden shout, Izuku woke with a start, his head colliding against the wall.

"Wish I could worn my costume." Grumbled Mina, curiously glancing towards the green haired boy.

"They're not allowed, in the interest of fairness." Stated Ojiro, his tail hanging over his shoulder.

Having finished rubbing the back of his head Izuku began pulling his gloves on and began attaching his gadgets to his arms.

"Then how come Midoriya-kun gets to use his gadgets?"

"It's because I made them Mina-san." Sleepily yawned Izuku, as he wrapped his right arm in bandages.

"More likely because you need a crutch, quirkless."

Turning around Izuku saw Todoroki glaring at him.

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