Australia - 01

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I lean against my door frame staring at the bare walls. Remembering everything, when my sister Charlotte and I shared this room because my cousin had to live with us, I remember how that weird stain got onto the floor when I spilled a gallon of grey paint while I was painting my dresser.  

I remind myself that I can make new memories in Australia. I smile, and leave my room happy as I think of all the happy times. 

     I've said goodbye to all my friends, and our things are currently waiting in a van ready to be taken to the airport. 

"Honey! We need to get going!" I sigh, 

"Alright," I walk down and see my sister sitting in the backseat of the car with her boyfriend. I get in on the passenger side and feel the melancholy atmosphere.

I watch the world from my window, saying goodbye to everything in my head. I listen to the sniffles of my sister, I know she will miss her boyfriend Jake, but they are going to try and make it work. But I know my sister, she wouldn't be able to handle it. In all honesty, I give them 2 weeks at most. 

We drive past my old high school and I roll my eyes. Not going to miss that, this summer I am going to settle in to my new house, spend time at the beach, maybe get a tan going and I am most defiantly not going to get involved in any drama. I run my fingers through my (Y/H/C), thick locks and sigh. 

This is going to be some trip. 


We arrive at the airport and I wait as Charlotte holds Jake close to her body. I'll miss him, not enough to cry over him. I didnt like or dislike him, I only ever saw him when he came to pick Charlotte to take her on some date. 

When they finally peeled apart from each other my mother, sister and I all walked through security. I took off my slip on vans and put them in the grey basket along with my phone and any other electronics. I wait in line and step through the metal detector.

I look up when a boy, a lot taller than me, with red curly hair and a face dotted with acne complimented me on my Blink 182 shirt. 

"Thanks," I said to him as I grabbed my carry on bag from the conveyor belt, I glanced at his name tag "Jackson" I walked behind my mother, feeling tired of social interaction. 

We sat in those blue sticky chairs and waited for the plane that would take me to my new home, and my new life. 


Thank you for reading this first chapter! the next chapters will be more entertaining and defiantly longer. I just wanted to get a start on this book as soon as possible. Again, if you have any questions or suggestions feel free to ask. I hope you enjoy this story!

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