Chapter 8: Him.

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I'll find somebody like you...

I ended the song and cheers erupted from all around.

Hmm, I didn't do half bad.

"Well done Mia! You were so good!" Frankie congratulated me.

"Thank you so much Frankie, it was absolutely terrifying!"

"I understand that but you have a real talent Mia. I strongly suggest you should carry on."

"I'll give it a thought." I smiled softly at her.

"I'm glad. And if you do decide to carry it on, there's always a place for you to sing at the Cafe okay?"


"Great!" And she walked off.

I felt a rush throughout my body and I couldn't contain it.

"I need some air." I spoke to myself.

So I walked into the cold evening and around to the back of the building. As I walked, I thought I heard something behind me, so I looked around and saw nothing.


And as I turned around I collided with a brick wall. Except it wasn't a brick wall.

It was him.

The corners of his  lips turn up  into his infamous smirk," I'm beginning to think you're stalking me"

"Wha- Excuse me! I am not stalking you! I just so happen to be here at the same time as you!" As I was about to continue he clasps his hand over my mouth.

"Shh. We don't want to get caught, do we?"

I smiled softly at his words. Hide ń Seek Day flashed through my head and a warm feeling spread throughout my stomach.

Then I remembered the weeks after it. And ripped his hands off my mouth.

"Where were you?"

"So you were looking for me?" He smirked.

"I was actually. It's quite hard to forget someone who helped you win the biggest competition of the year." His eyes flashed with something unrecognizable before his masked it. "I looked for you everywhere and I can't help but feel like you were avoiding me."


He whispered, "I have."

"But why?"

"I just" He stuttered, "It doesn't matter, I just can't."

"You can't what?"

"I can't stay away anymore. I tried but I couldn't..." He ran his hands through his hair.

"What if I didn't want you to?"


"Then I won't."

"Thank you."

"Can we start over?" He asked.

"I'm Mia."


Huh, he did look like a Kyler.

An awkward Silence settled upon us.

He cleared his throat, "you're a really good singer."

"You saw that?" My cheeks were burning red with embarrassment.

"I did my best not to miss it."

"I'm not very good, I started singing when I was younger but I stopped for a while. That's why it was so bad." I started rambling on.

"You were good. Really good." He cut me off.

"Thank you," I smiled sheepishly.

"I think the party is getting started if you want to head in?"

"Yeah sure."

We walked in together and I soon as we entered I screamed.

(Play song)

"Oh! I love this song, come on!" Before I could register what I was doing I grabbed his hand and dragged him to the dance floor.

"Hang on, I think you dislocated my shoulder."

I blushed, "sorry I got really excited."

Instead of replying he put his hands on my waist and my breath caught in my throat.

"Do you know how to dance?" He asked.

I nodded.

He pulled me closer and we started swaying to the beat.

"How about we switch it up a little?" He grinned wickedly.

My eyes widen, "Kyler what are you doing?"

He moved his hands so he could toss me into the air.

"Kyler I don't think this is a good idea." I whispered.

"Mi Amore, I promise I'll catch you if you fall."

What he didn't know was that I had already fallen.

"Okay i trust you Kyler."


He threw me into the air and as promised he caught me.

Something unrecognizable flashed through his eyes but once again he masked it as quick as it came.

I felt tingles along my skin.

"I promised you I wouldn't let you fall", he whispered in my ear.

Oh the irony.


Full name: Kyler Jones Adams
Nickname: Ky, Jones
Reason: given by Mia
Birthdate: 27 March 2000
Age: 18
Body build: broad shoulders,v tall
Eye color: green (wink)
Hair color: black
Extra: jawline could cut diamonds.

Full name: Kyler Jones AdamsNickname: Ky, JonesReason: given by MiaBirthdate: 27 March 2000Age: 18Height:6'1Body build: broad shoulders,v tallEye color: green (wink)Hair color: blackExtra: jawline could cut diamonds

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