Chapter 28

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"So what's the plan?" I looked around the group. "We just wait for her birthday?"

"Kyler is it?" I nodded at Mia's Mom, "You don't understand. She...she didn't go there to come back." I saw a tear roll down her cheek and the sadness in her eyes.


"You read the note. She wants to end this. She thinks that's the only way to end it." She got up. "I'm going to check the school again, see if anyone knows anything."

"Why haven't we gone to the cops?" Roni asked.

"I already did. They said they'd look." Jared snapped. "They don't care!"

Jared's never snapped at anyone before.

"Hey man it's okay." Harvey tried to comfort him.

"God Harvey no! It's not!" Jared yelled. "None of this is okay! I lost Eli already! Now I'm losing her as well!"

"You knew Eli?" Cami marveled.

"He was my best friend. And then he left." His eyes were glassy, "I can't keep watching my friends die."


"Oh Jade." My father came into the room in a sing song voice. "Let's get you ready for your birthday."

"It's in two days still."

"I don't care." He growled, unlocking the chain and ripping from the ground.

"Mia no!" Eli called out to me.

He took me to a the room at the end of the corridor. He put me on a chair in front of a camera. He tied my hands to the sides of the chair and put a cloth in my mouth. "Want to hear my plan?" He scoffed, "Oh that's right! You can't talk."

He paced, "We both know that boyfriend of yours is going to try and save you, right? Well let's give him a show before he arrives. Let's torture him, shall we."

My cries were muffled as he switched on the camera. "Let's just get a livestream going okay? It'll only take a second."

I watched as he projected Kylers house in front of me.


"I've been watching you Jade. I've set up cameras everywhere, that's how I knew you were going to come. How I know he's going to come." He smiled maliciously.

I watched Kyler pace around speaking to the others as his TV switched on. "What the..?"

My father walked in front of me, covering me from everyone else's view. "Kyler and Friends." He greeted them.

"Where is she?!" Kyler growled.

"Right here." He stepped back revealing me in torn clothes, bags under my eyes and bruises along my arms. "We decided to give you a little show."

"Greg stop this." Jared narrowed his eyes.

"I don't take orders from you." My father growled just as ferociously. "Let's get this started."

"Rough start or a soft start? It's your choice."

"Neither! You're a psycho." Cami shouted from behind Brayden.

"That wasn't an answer, rough it is." He pulled back and punched me in the jaw.

I cried out again but it was muffled and I could see the pain Kyler was in, "Stop! Leave her alone! Take me, not her please."

"I don't want you!" He gained composure. "Now if you'd stop interrupting."

He walked to the table and pulled out a knife from the drawers, my eyes widened and I tried to back away. "Now, now Jade, there's no need to be scared."

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