Ughh killing stalking

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Okay so I just read the new KS chapter and the plot is so thicc I'm choking

Spoiler warning

Okay so basically sangwoos mom can f r i c c off okay. And when he found that there where 12 pills missing and that his mom was trying to kill him, BROOOTHERRRR I was quaking.

This doesn't have anything to do with chapter 55 but in chapter 54 when bum bites sangwoos neck I got a boner. No blood kink I thought it was just super hot.

Also here's my theory on this shit...

Okay so I think that when sangwoo caught his mom cheating on his dad, that's when his mom started plotting to kill off her family. And then when she killed her husband (sangwoos dad of course) hats when she started to plot sangwoos murder. So then she started to try and brainwash him into loving him so much that he would help hide the body.

So then, he figured out what she was doing, and possibly in chapter 56, it would show how he killed his mother (most likely using the very same pills used to kill his father, as some sort of game).

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