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"Z-Zeyu?" I call

"Hi y/n." He says shyly

"I haven't seen you in a while" I Said

"Yea" he replies

"Let's go to my house?" I said

"Sure" they all agreed

We were at my house and they were playing fortnite and we were all having fun until, it was time to leave.

I led them to the gate at my front yard and before Zeyu leaves he gently tapped my shoulder and said

"y/n, I like you. Ever since we were little. And it breaks my heart to see your heart taken by Mingrui. I was always there for you but when life gets though, you can come around. But just so you know, I won't be there anymore. He says then quickly leaves

It left me speechless then Mingrui called for my name

"y/n? What did he say?" He asks

"No-nothing, let's go to the beach." I replied

He then grabbed something from upstairs and said

"Let's go?"

We went to the beach and it was refreshing, but it was really hot and me being me, I don't like being sweaty.

"Mingrui, Let's go sit beside that tree. It's hot" I say

"Why sit beside the tree when you can go in the sea?" He said

Then he picks me up bridal style (its as cliche as it can get) then goes to the water

"MINGRUI! DONT! I DONT HAVE EXTRA CLOTHES!" I said while grabbing tightly to him

"That's why I bought clothes" he says simply

"DONT! DO-" I got cut off by him throwing me into the water then I splash water at him but he runs away

I chased him for a good 2 minutes, don't judge. My stamina is really low ya know?

"You win" I say to him, trying to catch my breath

"How about we sit by that tree?" He said


"Let's change clothes now" He said

"Why? I'm still out of breath." I say

"The dudes here are looking at you and your soaked shirt which makes your curves visible." He says

"Jealous?" I Said, wiggling an eyebrow

"No, I just don't want you to get embarrassed." He said

"Come on, just admit it. Your jealous aren't you~" I say

"Fine, I'm jealous because only I can look at you like that. Now let's go change clothes."

(To be continued)

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