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I packed my bags and stayed in my friend's home, selene's house for the night.

She welcomed me into her house and I put my bags in her guest room

I sat down on her couch and just closed my eyes.

Memories from last night flashes in my head, our conversation.

It breaks my heart to think that we were still kids when we dated and fell inlove. And in one phone call, all of those disappeared in a blink of an eye.

After all we've gone through. Our Childhood, Xin Long's death, his memory loss. It's all for nothing.

I should've stopped when he lost his memory, I should've never came into their lives. If it wasn't for me, Xin Long would still be alive. If it wasn't for me, Mingrui would've never lost his memory.

It's all my fa-

I was interrupted by Selene opening the door

"Someone's here to visit (*'▽'*)"


Someone came in and it was? Zeyu.

"Hi Zeyu!" I Said letting him sit beside me

"Hey y/n, I heard you and Mingrui broke up..." He said looking at the floor

"Um-ummmm yeah" I Said scratching the back of my head

"I- i was wondering.." He said

I looked to him and his eyes were sparkling

"If-if you're ready and have moved on already, maybe can I court you?" He asked

(To be continued)


Schdhjsjshfh im sorry for the short chapters hhhhhhhhh

I've been working on a book about lee Jihoon or Woozi, and I'm working so hard on it I wrote about 400 words each page (which is unusual for me eheh)

So please look forward to read it even if you're not a carat!

Please Don't forget to follow me and vote in this story!

Anticipate slow updates hehehehehe I'll update more when It's weekends and Christmas Break.

Thank you for Reading! Happy Holidays~~

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