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"Will you marry me, y/n?"

Should I say yes?

Everybody's looking at us

Here it is

I'm gonna say it


He quickly stood up and put a ring on my finger.

We hugged eachother

"I thought you're not going to answer" he says

And then, the fireworks started

We watched it together and while watching it I carefully laid my head on his shoulder.

As cliche as it may seem, I actually want to spend my life with this man forever.

"y/n?" He calls for my name

"Yes?" I replied

"Do you love me again?"

"I never stopped loving you, Mingrui"

"Even when I forgot you?"


I didn't look at him but I felt him having a smile on his face saying 'yessssss'

The fireworks ended and we all texted our friends that we're engaged.

Then we went home all happy

~next day~

"y/n ah! Wake up let's go for a walk" He says

"y/n ah! Wake up let's go for a walk" He says

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I wore this and went outside with him

He was holding a blindfold and blindfolded me

"Where are we going?" I said

"Just hold my hand and come with me" He said

I was walking till he sat me down and took my blindfold and I opened my eyes to see- the park?

We were sitting at the same bench, at the same park.

"What are we doing here?" I asked

"Um you know? Just hangout."

"I miss this, I miss the old us." I said


We just stood there and— HANYU? ZIHAO? SHUYANG?

"Ni hao!!!" They all Said

"Hi! I miss you guys" I Said

I hugged them and Mingrui said

"Hey guys!"

"Congratulations!" Zihao Said

"Thank you! I'm glad you're here!" I said

"Now that you guys are here, let's spend the day together!"

"Oh wait!" Shuyang said

Then I looked at my phone to see if I got any notifications then I felt someone tapping my shoulder then I look around to see


(To be continued)

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