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-next morning-

I woke up to see mingrui in the kitchen brightly smiling at me as if nothing happened last night

"Good Morning Babe!" He said as he hands me the eggs

I quickly threw them away and went to the bedroom to sit

"What's wrong? Did something happen?" He asks

"What do you mean something happened?" I Said, shouting at him

He looks at me confused

"Tell me honestly, who the fuck is Gigi?" I Said

His eyes widened. At that moment I knew

I knew Gigi was his girl.

"y/n, it's not what you think!" Mingrui Said as he tries stopping me from hitting him

"Then What is it?!" I said

"She-she's" He stutters

"I trusted you!" I shout


"COULDNT THINK OF AN EXCUSE HUH?!" I scream as loud as I can. "That's it, I'm leaving" I say packing my bags

Mingrui just watches me, as I pack my bags. I wasn't affected at all. But what hurts the most is that he didn't even stop me.

Life is unfair. You loved one but he loved two.



Sorry for the short chapter! I promise I'll make the next one more interesting ^~^ And sorry for the slow updates!

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