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My nurse told me that she will leave for a while, I opened the gift and saw

Roses and a letter with "Get well soon!"

She decorated the letter with glitters and colorful flowers.

Then it hit me.

I woke up to all things odd and the door slightly open.

"Nurse Kim!" I Said as I caught her attention.

"Yes ma'am?" She Said but still kept her attention at the clipboard before her.

"How are you?" I asked as I smile brightly

"I'm sorry ma'am, I have patients to take care of." She replied in a straight face

"Me?" I asked jokingly

"No ma'am." She Said

"Ma'am? I thought you'll call me y/n instead." I Said confused

"Ma'am you're not my patient." She Said curving her eyebrows.

"Huh?" I just stood there confused while she walked away to another room.

"I-I thought I was her patient?" I Said pointing to myself.

Then doctors ran into the room each of them bumping into each other and fitting into the tiny door.

"Is she okay? Did she recover?" The older male said

(To be continued)


I'm ending this book soon :(

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