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The woosh of aerial mages was a common noise around the imperial war academy. Those who lived nearby were well used to it, some watching the soldiers parade down the streets when they did.

The Reich was growing. The battalion marches throughout the streets to their training camps were commonplace. Tanya Von Degurechaff had seen many a march through her street. It always sent her to bed with nightmarish migraines.

Something big was brewing. Worse than the Great War.

A bigger war.

A world war.


Tanya waited. She hated waiting. Especially whilst this pig of an officer sat leering at her. He was shooting her glances whilst he checked the names of folders. Tanya recognised the face of a man who had never fired a rifle in anger. He was not a war veteran. She was. She would never take orders from someone like him.

"Right. Here we go.
Tanya Von Degurechaff. The Argent. The Devil of the Rhine. Discharged honourably with rank of Colonel 12 months after the ceasing of hostilities, awarded the Star of the Grand Cross of the Iron Cross, Platinum Wings Assault badge, Gold Wings Assault Badge, Silver Wings Assault Badge, Grand Cross of the Iron Cross, Iron Cross First Class, Iron Cross Second class, Mage Corps Observer Badge, Mage Corps Lightning Division badge and the Order of Empire First Class." The officer looked up from the sheet, his eyes having steadily opened wider as he read, fear visible in his eyes. Tanya almost shuddered with delight. "Well then.... Your office is located on the top floor, third door on the right. Your bedroom is connecting.. I understand you requested for a guest bedroom.. There is one connecting to your office, unfortunately at the expense of your smoking parlour."

Tanya very nearly rolled her eyes. "That should not be an issue. Good day." Tanya saluted and made her way into the corridor. Upon meeting some resistance with the door, she set herself into a stance and slammed her weight against the door, sending the recruits listening at the door onto the floor of the waiting room.

Viktoriya sighed, looking at the fools who were eying off Tanya and herself previously. She found herself willing to stand by whilst Tanya handled it. It turns out that all it took was a slightly harder glare before the recruits managed to remember exactly what rank seniority was.

"I said next!" The voice in the office barked, Viktoriya did not miss her cue again.


Sitting on the polished Oak desk, Tanya examined the spacious room. There was a tall oak padded armchair behind her desk, two fairly cheap armchairs in front of her desk, a wall of bookshelves, an ensuite bathroom on the same wall as the bookshelves, the two bedrooms on the opposite wall, a large map of Europe that took up most of the wall that met the corridor, a long sofa underneath that, facing the desk and behind the armchairs. Behind her desk was a set of large windows, with the walls jutting out around 2 meters, a painting adorning each side. Beyond that was a moderately sized balcony that spanned the length of her office.

Tanya took a heavy breath and exhaled. It was overwhelming to return to this so soon. She needed to practise. She frowned, before walking to the balcony, looking over Berlun and the Imperial War Academy's firing range. Where on Earth is Serebryakov?

Tanya looked at the letter that had been pressed into her hand as she navigated the academy.

Moving back to her desk, she took into her hand the very dangerous looking knife that served as her letter opener, experimentally pricking her finger, a small stream of blood flowing down the blade, Tanya raising her eyebrows.

"So thats sharp for future reference." She mused to herself, slicing open the letter in a single motion.

Withdrawing the note, she skipped past the 15 or so lines of praise, getting to the point.

'... always admired you.

To the point, I have provided you with a gift. Your old computation jewel. Usually it is kept in the workshop as a sort of memoir, but I decided you should have it. It should be in your third draw.

Gustav Penschiß
Head Engineer.'

Tanya hurled the letter aside, violently tearing open the draw, the gold and red gem bouncing about from the momentum, as do the other stationary items in the draw.

Hands trembling ever so slightly, and by that, she meant greatly, Tanya picks up the jewel, examining it to determine its authenticity.

The jewel, she quickly comes to realise, is her old one, containing the scorch marks of the..

Tanya retched. Fuck.

The top floor of the war academy was filled with the sound of vomiting.


Viktoriya pushed open the door, her pace increasing as she slammed the door shut behind her and ran into the bathroom, cradling Tanya as she threw up what little she had in her stomach.

Soon it was dry retching, Tanya occasionally crying out in pain as she leaned against her lover, crying softly. Even she was not above crying when noone else could see.

A light knock rang out from the door to her office, Tanya making a head jerking gesture to Viktoriya, sending the other girl to answer the door to... Matheus Weiss...

"Colonel, I- Oh! Viktoriya... uh where is Colo-" Matheus began his awkward conversation, interrupted the sound of Tanya removing the last bit of substance in her stomach. "-ah.. that uh... I think that answers my question.."

".. mmh.. My apologies Matheus, I think Colonel Von Degurechaff has come down with food poisoning.. Im taking care of her for now.. Perhaps I could contact you when she has recovered?" Viktoriya tilts her head, awaiting a response, which is a sound 'Of course'.

With that, the door is closed and Viktoriya returns to helping Tanya, the later slowly returning to sanity.

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