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It had taken four more weeks for the remainder of the 203rd members to arrive at the place that they had left from.

It would be another four before any sort of formal training for the mages went ahead. None knew why, a fact that left the members of the squad, especially those of the squads high command, mildly annoyed.

Tanya knew damn well why. She could barely use a globe two weeks back, now she was on the level of an amateur. Eventually she had relented, sending Viktoriya to the quarters of the men, informing them of their training session in 3 days.

She had given herself 3 days.

She had one left.

Tanya stared up at the ceiling, questioning everything about her decision, when a heavy fist rapped on her door, causing her to sit up. Heavy fist, someone of importance.

Leaving her bedroom, she pulled her uniforms coat off the hook, did it up and opened the door to...

A.. lieutenant? What?

Tanya frowned, pausing as a letter was presented to her. Taking it, the messenger saluted and left, causing Tanya to close the door behind her as she turned away.

She looked at the name on the front, her name, then the return address on the back, eyes widening.

Reichs Chancellory Building
Wilhelmstraße 77, Berlun.

Tanya froze momentarily. The Reichs Chancellory building..

She crossed the room at a hasty pace, snatching up the letter opener and slicing the paper open, pulling the note out, the envelope falling to the desk, a soft thud as the wax seal hit the desk.

Unfolding the letter too a second, focusing her eyes on the name took one more.

It took half a second for her grip to fail.

Der Fürher

Wanted to meet her?

That changed everything.

Fuck the training. Fuck her squad. She was not going to be left out of the Fürhers inner circle.

Tanya tore off to the bedroom she shared with Viktoriya, yanking open the door to her closet, scavenging through her cupboard for something appropriate to wear, before frowning, looking at the date of her summon.

Now that sent her into a slight panic. 10 AM tomorrow, formal uniform.

"Well at least that removes the dresses from the equation." Tanya remarked to no one in particular, digging around in her wardrobe until she removed her dress uniform, the dark green uniform of the Mage Battalion.

Little did she know, it would be one of the last times she wore green.


A heavy knock at her door awoke her at 6 AM the following morning. Tanya was quick to get out of bed and answer the door.

'Odd... the maid usually doesnt come until about 7..' Tanya opened the door to a man dressed in a black uniform, what looked twin lightning bolts on each side of his collar. With a single motion, he thrust at her a box tied closed with rope.

Caught off guard, Tanya stumbled as the box was thrust at her, but regained her footing, lifting up a corner to gaze at the black uniform within.

"Der Fürher requests that you wear this to your appointment with him. Guten Tag." The officer snapped his heels together and saluted, to which Tanya offered her own salute, marching out.

Tanya gently closed the door, placing the box on her desk whilst she sliced the rope in two with her letter opener/box cutter/dagger.

She placed the lid of the box on the desk beside the box actual, lifting up the black officer uniform, laying it on the desk in its full, a peaked cap residing inside as well.

Tanya hurriedly walked to her old, green uniform, unpinning the medals and transferring them over to the new, black uniform.

She knew exactly what this move meant. If the Schultzstaffel could garner the support of the Argent, the most ardent nationalist of all the famous, 'Or infamous' She offhandedly noted, veterans, it would be a publicity move.

But it would also let the François republic know of their plan of mobilisation. And if the Russy empire stepped in again, the great war could happen all over. Not the Russy Empire, she noted, it was... uhg, what was it... USSR? Something to that effect.

A knock at the door broke her conversation with herself. She hurriedly crossed the room, flinging the door open and saluting in a professional manner...

Scaring the maid half to death, who tossed the tray of breakfast for Tanya and Viktoriya up about half a meter.

Out of position, Tanya didn't have the time to react in order to save the tray, neither did the maid. But a strong pair of arms grabbed the tray and held it firm, encircling Tanya, who unconsciously inhaled through her nose, recognising the smell of freshly ground coffee.


Tanya leant back into Viktoriya's arms subconsciously, shaking her head and recovering. She took the tray from Viktoriya and apologised to the maid, then closed the door.

The door had barely closed when Viktoriya leaned down and kissed her on the side of her neck, causing a gasp to escape the younger girl. Tanya leant back against Viktoriya, resting the top of her head on the brunettes shoulder, her back arching ever so slightly.

"V-Viktoriya.. I-I can't.. I have a meeting... a-ah at the Chancellory..." Tanya managed a weak protest. 'Fuck... how did she remember that infernal sweet spot..'

Viktoriya reluctantly released Tanya, taking the food tray from her to the coffee table, in front of the lounge.

The duo ate in silence, appreciating the calm and tranquility before the days of combat training, with only the occasional remark about the food, Viktoriya having prepared the coffee that Tanya was addicted to.

The clock chimed 8 AM and Tanya begrudgingly stood, wiped her mouth and bid her breakfast farewell and got dressed into the black uniform and returned to the office.

"Mmh... very nice~" Viktoriya smiled at Tanya. "Although you might want to keep your collar up."

Tanya frowned, gazing at the mirror, examining her neck. Her eyes widened. Fuck... she left a hickey...

Tanya glared at Viktoriya, turning her collar up, hiding the mark. "Damn it Viktoriya!"

With an annoyed huff, Tanya marched out of the office.

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