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"Its not going to work. This defective-"

"Again with the defective nonsense! She called it defective again, right!?"

"U-uh.. yessir.. she did.."

Tanya scowled. "This seems familiar..."

Tanya stormed ahead of the Doctor, literally kicking open the door of the infirmary, closing it behind her and locking Schugel's muffled rants out.

She sighed, sliding down the door in defeat, yawning and grasping handfuls of her hair, brushing it back slightly.

Her eye twitched as that infuriating curl of hair popped up above her hair. Damn it...

Damn it all...

The computational orb was so unstable, it nearly killed her with its detonation... and this fucking lunatic wanted her to go again..

'Im gonna end up praying to being X again!' Tanya mentally screamed.

"Colonel Von Degurechaff, can I help you?"

Tanya whirled around, looking at the young nurse speaking to her. "O-Oh! Yes.. I need... some medical assistance with my... injuries.."

"Alright Colonel. Just jump up on this table please and I'll look you over." The nurse gave a warm smile, turning so that she could collect the items necessary for the examination.

Tanya sat on the bench, removing her bulky flight gear, looking at the torn uniform. Tanya stopped her removal of her flight gear upon realising the damage to her black uniform. It was a complete write off, missing a good 30% of the material covering her chest.

Tanya looked back up at the nurse, holding her flight jacket up to cover her bare upper chest, which had played host to the orbs explosion.

"Do you mind if.. I get another.. shirt.. the orb incinerated mine..."

The nurse gave another warm smile. "Its ok dear, Ill need to check where the orb detonated anyway, so regardless, I will have to check your chest for any splinters or something of the like."

Tanya turned an interesting shade of red, before relenting and allowing herself to be examined. She was a soldier. She had to deal with discomforts..

Tanya allowed herself to be checked over by the doctor, enduring the poking, prodding and the examining, sitting in her own world of discomfort.

"... If I didn't know any better, Id have said that you've had sex in the past few days Colonel Von Degurechaff."

Tanya, thanks to her years of military training, barely avoided stiffening noticeably. "I do not know what you mean. Am I cleared, Doctor?"

"Yes Colonel."

"Goodday." Tanya dressed and marched out.


An explosion sent Tanya dancing through the sky, starting to enjoy the war now.

The Reich had just been the target of a declaration of war from the François republic, which was currently being appealed in the League of Nations, although there was clearly going to be no intervention against the invasion, aside from political condemnation.

"Pixie-1, the Operation is a go, Danzig Danzig Danzig."

Tanya laughed, a maniacal grin spreading across her features. Permission to advance...

Tanya looked around at her battalion, making a single hand gesture, before she burst forwards, followed by her men. Looking down, she could see the unmistakable target of a solid concrete battery sitting in the valley ahead of their Panzers.

The battery exploded, dive bombers hurtling past them at frightening speeds. Looking down, Tanya could also see the columns of heavy, yet fast, tanks and tank destroyers, escorted by fast, light and medium tanks punching right through the previously thought impenetrable forest.

One of the dive bombers exploded, the other peeling away rapidly, a fighter aircraft, a Hawker Hurricane, was racing towards the bombers, closing in rapidly. The pilot, clearly having seen them, changed his heading, coming right for them.

"Ack Ack!" Tanya's voice echoed through the ears of her squad mates, some falling back to act solely as shield spell channellers, whilst their comrades equipped with shotguns, Tanya and Viktoriya amongst them, moved forwards, to form a firing line.

Channeling explosive spells, Tanya, the head of the shotgun line, fired first, her spell blasting splinters through the monoplane. The line ripple fired, having safely disabled the plane after the middle, and having torn it apart by the end of the line.

Tanya turned her gaze down to the bunkers, pillboxes and batteries, tapping her radio set. "Leopold Division, retreat to a safe distance, we will flatten the defences."

Releasing her comm, she changed channels. "Demolition." Tanya focused her aim, charging her explosive spell as high as she dared. "FIRE!"

Tanya fired first, the shotgun pellets glistening in the sunlight, before exploding violently, tearing up pillars of fire, smoke, earth and concrete. Fire rippled down the line, tearing the defences apart, non stop fire for about 10 seconds. Every few seconds, gouts of flame flared up as magazines cooked off.

A hand was raised by Tanya, the firing stopping immediately. "Leopold Division. Threat eliminated. Advance at your own discretion."

The tanks set forwards, Tanya eventually setting herself down on the engine deck of a Pz. VI Ausf. B or a Tiger II, looking at the commander sitting in the cupola.

"Generalletunant Guderian, are we on schedule?"

"Ahead Colonel Von Degurechaff, thanks to your timely arrival. We are expected to make it 60 miles before night."

"And so you shall. We have been assigned to your division for the foreseeable future. With our combined forces, we cannot hope to fail."

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