Chapter 30:Talk to me

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I woke up again in the middle of the night the room was silent and Tristan's side of the bed was empty again and he didn't work last night.

My eyes went over to the clock to see 5:45 flashing in bright red numbers. It's past five and Tristan still not in bed yet. So I decided to get up turn on my lamp and slip on my pink robe over my black tank and boyshorts. I could hear the tv behind the closed door as I walked by Damion's room.

As I walked down the stairs it was dark and quiet He wasn't in the living room or the kitchen. Then I went to the garage the light was on and found him sitting at a wooden table working on something.

"What are you doing up still? its five in the morning." I asked.

"I've been up for hours he commented.

While still looking at the birdhouse he making then I noticed two more that wasn't there yesterday.

Did he spend the night making birdhouses?

Ever since His best friend and co-worker died a few weeks ago Tristan has been distant and acting differently it was hard watching him go through it.

I walked closer to him.

"Are you sure you don't want to talk about it?" I asked him with a sympathetic expression on my face.

He kept his eyes on the birdhouse he was making.

"No babe I'm fine." he said in a dry tone.

I knew he wasn't.

"Are you sure Tristan?" I asked.

"Yes, I'm sure." he said started to sound irritated.

I decided to back off once again he hasn't said anything about how feels about his friend's death since it happened.

"Well I'm headed back up to bed are you coming?" I asked him.

"I'll be up in a bit." he told me which he said that hours ago.

"Ok, then I said and exited the garage and went back into the house and back into my bedroom and just laid under the covers unable to fall back asleep.

My alarm went off and it was eight in the morning I looked over to the side of me and Tristan wasn't in the bed I got and seen his badge wasn't on the dresser so he definitely left and went to work.

I checked my phone no calls or text from him either now I felt like I was living with a roommate and not my boyfriend. After I took a shower and got dressed since today was blood drive day I put on a dark red t-shirt with Blood Drive in bold white letters and black skinny jeans.

I honestly didn't feel like doing my hair so I just threw on one of Tristan's red snapbacks at least I could feel close to him that way. I went downstairs and seen Damion was on his way out of the door to go take his boys to school.

"Hey has Tristan told you anything?" I asked.

He thought about it.

"Yea he told me to tell you he's working late tonight and won't be home for dinner." Damion told me.

Since when did Damion start taking messages for Tristan and I didn't realize how close they were and why couldn't Tristan tell me this himself.

"Oh ok, well I got to go." I said holding my keys in my hand.

"Ok, he said as I walked passed him and got in my car and drove off.

Luckily I made it to the hospital just in time for my shift at nine am.

High Risk (urban/bwwm) book 1&2 cover by theblackpepa_Where stories live. Discover now