Chapter 3

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Kayla's POV

Once I left school with my friends I went straight home to plan out how I'm going to play the player.

I ran upstairs & went into my room & slammed the door behind me. I was walking back & fourth around my room trying to figure out a game plan.

My door started to open & I saw Mason standing there.

"Woah why'd you slam the door so loud is anything wrong?" he asked concerned.

"Nothing's wrong. I'm just trying to figure something out." I snapped back.

"What is it?" he asked as he walked into my room & sat on my bed.

"If I tell you, you promise not to get mad?" I asked as I sat down next to him on my bed.

"I'll try not too." he said back.

"I'm trying to... play Matt Espinosa." I said quietly. That actually sounded quite impossible when I said it out-loud.


"Mason.. Look I'm sorry but he needs a taste of his own medicine. I know what I'm getting myself into & it's none of your buisness." I snapped back as I started to push him out of my room. "I can do this Mason. I know I can." I said as I shut my door before he could respond back.

I jumped back on my bed & started thinking about what Jacky said to me. She said "Make him want you. Make him know he can't have you. Play hard to get. Get him confused. Tease him. Play him & knock some sense into that damn kid."

& that's exactly what I'm going to do. I'm playing a game. The game. I knew I was going to be played like all these other girls so why not play back? We could both walk away unharmed right? It's just a small game with some fooling around.

The rest of the day I just layed around & watched Netflix all day. I didn't really feel like hanging out with anyone. By 10 o'clock I was really tired, so I went to sleep. I have a big day ahead of me.


Greaaaaaat. Time for hell. I jumped off my bed & went straight to my closet.

Step one: I need to make Matt want me & know he can't have me.

So I & put on a red tight dress & some black sparkly heels. I need to make Matt DROOL over me. I curled my hair & did my makeup PERFECTLY.

When I finished getting dressed I brushed my teeth & I grabbed my purse & phone & knocked on Mason's door & yelled at him to hurry up so we weren't late as usual.

I went downstairs & ate pancakes with orange juice & played on my phone untill Mason was ready.

Madison started a group chat with me, Jacky & Sam asking if I was ready to "play the player."

I responded back "Hell yeah. See you guys soon ;)"

Mason finally finished getting ready & we got in the car to drive to school. He's worse then a girl when it comes to getting ready.

When Mason saw what I was wearing he rolled his eyes & said "Good luck with your little plan."

When we arrived at school, I opened the car door & started walking to my locker. I was getting a bunch of whistles & dirty looks from girls, but hey I don't care. I only care about what Matt thinks about me.

When I got to my locker I got all the books I needed for the day & started walking to my first period class. I accidently bumped into somebody & quickly started to say sorry untill I saw who it was... Matthew.

"Sor---- Actually, no I'm not." I said with a smirk on my face.

He was in shock. I don't know if it was because of what I said, or what I'm wearing.

"Well well, Kayla. You look pretty hot today." He whispered as he started getting closer to me.

"Matt, I'm not in the mood for you. I hate you. You're a dick. Now, please move out of my way." I snapped back.

"Kayla, I know you want me.. Stop acting like you don't & just kiss me." he whispered into my ear as he started rubbing my thigh.

I felt electricity go throughout my entire body. I always get this weird feeling when I'm around him. But I can't let him win.

I pushed him off of me & said "Nice try, Espinosa. Better luck next time." I smiled & brushed past him to go to class.

The rest of the day went by pretty slow. It was a Friday, no wonder. When I walked into last period I saw Matt sitting down, with an empty chair next to him. We're supposed to sit with our partners to discuss our project.

I slid into the chair next to him & looked right into his eyes, "So what're we doing this project on?" I asked.

"I don't know. Some lame shit." he said back.

The rest of the class went by fast. Time flys when I'm with him. Minutes feel like seconds. It's so weird....

Matt kept getting closer to me & started
to touch my thigh, once again. He was moving his hand up more & more everytime.

"Tell me if you want me to stop, babe." he said with a smirk on his face.

I HATE what he can do to me. I feel a connection with him. I really do. But that's crazy right? I can't possibly have feelings for this asshole.

I started to stutter out "s-s-s---" but I couldn't even tell him to stop. He started to lean in & then the bell rang.

I jumped out of my seat as fast as a bullet, & said "Don't you ever touch me again."

I grabbed my books & started walking out of the class, but someone pulled me back into the now empty room.

Of course, it was Matt.

"Why are you doing this, Kayla? Why do you act like you don't want me?" He said as he pushed my against the wall & started kissing my neck.

"Act? There's no need to ACT like I don't want you. I'm not acting." I said as I pushed him off of me.

"Well, we do need to work on that project soon, right babe?" he said with a smirk on his face.

I rolled my eyes "Yes we do."

"Well how about tomorrow night? Because tonight you have plans." He said.

"Oh yeah & what are these plans of mine?" I asked confused.

"You're coming to a party with me tonight." He said as he slid a piece of paper into my purse. "See you there, babe."

Matt walked out of the classroom. & I quickly grabbed my purse to read the piece of paper, it said "I'll pick you up at 8, tonight's going to be a good time."

Maybe this is a perfect opportunity to show Matt that he can't have whatever he wants. I'm going to go to the party, & I'm gunna get him so jealous.

I walked out of the classroom & saw Matt at his locker. I walked over to him & said "Yeah, see you there, babe."

Well, this is going to be a fun night.

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