Chapter 4

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Kayla's POV

When I got home from school I ran right up into my room & started ripping through my clothes to find an outfit for tonight. Tonight is the night.

I'm nervous for tonight. I mean who wouldn't be? I'm still not too sure how I'm gunna "play the player." It sounds impossible. It probably is impossible. What would Matt Espinosa want with me? Probably just sex, like every other girl. I hope I can change that. I want to beat him at his own little game.

After digging through piles & piles of clothes & ripping out possible every single thing out of my dresser & closet, I finally decided to black high wasted shorts & a light pink crop top. I curled my hair & did my makeup as usual, I put on a pair of black vans & grabbed my phone & ran down the stairs.

By the time I was done getting ready it was 7:50, Matt said he would pick me up at 8.

I texted Madison, Sam & Jacky & told them that I was done getting ready & that I was ready for tonight. I'm ready to see how badly I can make Matt want me, but he's not gunna get me. I'm not gunna be one of his little toys. I'm not gunna be used by him. I refuse.

I heard a knock at the door so I got up & opened the door, & of course, Matthew was standing there.

"Wow babe, you clean up nice." He said with his stupid little smirk on his face.

"Let's go." I said back as I said bye to my mom.

When we arrived to the party, Matt got out & ran around to my side of the car & opened the door for me.

When I got out Matt said "Ladies first."

"What are you being a gentleman? or is this just a polite way to say let me look at your ass?" I snapped at him as I started laughing.

"Oh you think you're so funny don't you Kayla." He replied & then he started laughing too.

We walked into the party & it was just a typical party. Alcohol, people making out in every single corner, dancing & probably drugs. I haven't really been to many party's before. I'd much rather sit home with a few friends & watch movies all night.

"Let's go babe. I wanna show you something." Matt said as he pulled me through the crowd.

He brought me into an empty room which I'm assuming is a guest room, there's not much stuff in it it's like empty.

He pulled me onto the bed & stared into my eyes.

"Tell me the truth Kayla, why'd you come here with me tonight?"

"I-I-I had nothing better to do." I could barley get the words out of my mouth as I felt Matt getting closer to me.

"Oh yeah? Here's another question. Why don't you want me Kayla? Everybody does. Why not you?" he whispered as he started kissing my neck & rubbing circles on my back.

"I don't want you & I never will. Why can't you just accept that not every single girl likes you Matt. You're not a good person." I snapped back as I pushed him off of me.

"I just came to have a good time. Not to be lectured by a horny teenager." I said as I giggled a little bit.

I turned around thinking I had made my point & I started to walk towards the door, but I felt two cold hands wrap around my body which was Matt & he spun me around & pushed me against the wall & he kissed me.

Fireworks. They were everywhere. It was like sparks, but even bigger, more electricity. The butterflies in my stomach got wild as my mind went all messy. I had no idea a boy could make me feel like this, my knees were getting weak. These feelings, they were like feelings I'd just read about in a book. Feelings I had no idea existed, & feelings I never ever thought I'd get from a boy like Matt. But I had to admit it, I loved the way Matt's lips felt against mine. As I kissed him back, I put my arms around his neck. He put his arms around my waist, & pulled me even closer to him. A little smile planted itself on his lips as they laid against mine. & of course it was contagious, so I smiled back into the kiss. As we broke it, I took a step backwards, letting go of his neck.

Wow. His eyes met mine, & when he smiled, this time with his absolutely beautiful smile, he sent chills down my spine.

"I knew you wanted me babe." I heard him mumble.

I was still in shock, I think I was even blushing, making him smile even more.

I can't believe I just did that. I can't have feelings for this asshole! He makes everyone's life a living hell! I don't wanna be used by him! I hate how he makes me feel. He makes me get lost in my own little world. It's almost like its impossible for me to resist him.

"You should probably take me home." I said as Iooked down to my phone to check the time.

Fifteen minutes until I had to be home.

"No babe, not yet." He replied as he dragged me out of the room.

"Here have a drink."

"No Matt. I need to be home soon." I said back getting angry.

"Please. You never wanna have any fun. Just one, & I promise I'll take you home after." he said with his eyes burning into me.

"Fine. but only one. & I mean it espinosa." I said as I grabbed the drink outta his hand & chugged it.

That's the last thing I remember as I woke up in a strangers bed with Matt Espinosa.

I had no clothes on & I don't think Matt did either. I slapped Matt in the face so I could wake him up.

"Good morning to you too.." he said as he put his hand on his face. I guess I slapped him pretty hard.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS THIS?! WHY AM I HERE? IN BED WITH YOU? NAKED?!" I shouted so loud I think everybody in town probably could have heard me.

"I don't know. You started drinking a lot last night, & you text me & said to meet you in here so I did... & you started kissing me & I guess you can pretty much assume what happened next." he said as he got dressed.

This can not be happening. I grabbed my phone to check my texts to see if I really did text Matt that, & I did.

I can't believe this. By this point I'm in tears. I cried so much I could barley breath. This is not whats supposed to be happening. Please please tell me this is a dream. Please.

I don't remember anything about last night. But I do know this for sure, I lost my virginity to Matt Espinosa.

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