Just One More Day

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-Just a note to everyone, this is my first writing ever, so please be patient with me.-

Tomorrow and I'm done, I'm finally done with this hillbilly filled school. They look at me like I'm a freak. In reality I just like different things. Different music, different style ... the works. Just then I'm pulled from my thoughts as the final bell rings. I grab my books and pace to my locker. People stare at me, some even giggle. "I wear too much black," they say. well maybe they need to pull down their skirts ... sluts.


I walk through my front door to my two younger siblings on their phones, books sitting out on the table. My mom doesn't let them ride home with me because she worries about them getting hurt.

Another reason I'm moving: my mother. She's just a constant pain. She's smothering me. On the other hand, my dad doesn't even bother to call me, so I guess it's nice.




"Hey Smexy, all packed and ready to go?" answered my bestfriend, Alyse.

"Yeah, just have to pack the rest of my panties and socks," I knew I said too much.

"OoOoOoh don't forget those pretty blue ones, they make your ass look mighty fine," she chuckles.

"Of course, how could I forget?" Alyse could always make me smile, I'm actually excited that I'll be getting to see her more.

"Good, well I gotta finish packing because I'm a lazy sloth and haven't done a thing."

" 'Course you haven't." she never ceases to amaze me.

"Eghh, I gotta go. I'll be picking you up after school tomorrow, be ready," she groans.

"Alright, night."

"Nighty Night Love."

With that, I shut my phone, finish packing and crash early.

"Just one more day," I think as I drift off into a dreamless sleep.


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