Chapter 4: Hungover

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I woke up still wrapped in Steve's arms and I thought I was dreaming. I had a massive headache from being hung over and I was too afraid of waking Steve up by rolling over to get my hearing aids and check the time, so I'll just have to deal with it.

It took Steve about five long minutes to wake up himself. I personally wasn't complaining about it though, I had five minutes being held close to my crush with his arm wrapped around me. Steve opened his eyes and looked down at me with a smile. "Mornin sunshine" he said, I couldn't hear him, but I read his lips and it made me blush.

"Can't hear ya buddy" I said and pointed to my ears, indicating that my hearing aids were out.

I felt Steve's arm lift from it's resting position on top of me, so I sat up and grabbed my aids from the nightstand and placed them back on my ears. I could barely remember the events of last night, until they came flooding back. I remember Steve opening the door and freezing once he saw my arms. "I'm sorry" I muttered, I felt like I couldn't say it enough.

Steve imediatly sat up and wrapped his arms around me. "Hey, don't be sorry stop saying that" he said in a quiet voice.

"I can't" I muttered again

"Just try for me baby" Steve said and I felt the blush crawl up my neck.

"O-ok" I said and I felt Steve leave my side and instantly wanted him back.

"We better get up and eat, I'm hoping to make it back to school before fourth period and it's second right now" Steve said after glancing at the clock

I stood up off the bed and walked towards Steve. "Well, that are you waiting for?" I asked him

"Actually, I wanted to ask you something" Steve said

"What's up?" I asked, but really I was thinking 'he's gonna ask me to stay as far away from him as possible'

"I was wondering wanted to be my boyfriend?" Steve asked nervously.

That was the one question I was not expecting. "How's this for an answer?" I said before I pulled him close and kissed him.

Steve didn't even hesitate before kissing back. I felt him lick my lips, asking for permission for entrance. I opened my mouth slightly to grant it and he allowed his tongue in, exploring every corner of my mouth before he pulled away for air.

"I'll take that as a yes" Steve said after he caught his breath. He took my hand and pulled me towards the door. "Ready for breakfast babe?" He asked.

I smiled at hearing him call me that, I never thought anyone would, especially Steve fucking Rodgers. The man of my dreams just asked me out and I still couldn't believe it. "as long as it's with you" I replied

Steve smiled and we walked to the living room together, hand in hand. Rylie, Bucky, Tony and Nat were already up and in there.

"There you are love birds" Nat said as we entered.

"Oh yeah, you wanna see love birds?" Steve said before pulling me into another kiss. This one was quicker than the one in the bedroom and the one last night, but it was still just as affectionate and loving.

Nat jumped up off the couch "Ha, you owe me five bucks!" She said to Tony

"What?" Steve asked

"We were betting on if you would get together or not, and I knew it from the beginning! How sore is your ass Clint?" Nat asked before lightly slapping it.

Steve pulled me closer "hey, that's my job! My boyfriend, my job!". He said

Nat laughed and rolled her eyes "yeah, well it's also your job to take his virginity consensually, and you better tell me once you have done it" she said

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2018 ⏰

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