Marshmallows and names

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"Vell, Vell what do we have here?"

America scowled as he sat himself on the ground from that uncomfortable position. Germany had his gun aimed at him the whole time.

"Go ahead and use that thing for all I care, I couldn't feel any worse." muttered America. Germany raised an eyebrow, "You are not going to fight back, nothing at all?" America shook his head and looked down. Now it was Germany's turn to frown.

Italy flung his arm around America's shoulders.

"Come have marshmallows with us, it will make you feel all better inside!" Cant help but smile America started to slowly get up but was pushed down to the ground again by the Germanic nation. Germany looked down at him with a curious and suspicious expression.

'He has every right to be.' thought America.

"Vhat are you doing here America?" Germany asked. Italy was devastated, "Germany why are you being so mean?"

"He is the enemy! Ve are at var!"

"But can't we make peace with pasta?" Italy asked as he put on the most adorable and pleading face in all of Hetalia history. Germany sighed. He could never not give into that face. Why was this a cures to his life! He pointed to America, "You are our prisoner and if you try anything to hurt Italy you will suffer, got it?" America quickly nodded, though he was not intimidated the least. Italy leaped for joy and carried him over to the fire.

"Ve~here ya go Mr. America!" America smiled as Italy handed him a stick and a marshmallow.

"Thanks!" He sat down next to Italy. Germany sat next to America, just for precaution and Japan was sitting by both German and Italy so he was in front of America. Though America noticed the piercing brown eyes of the Japanese nation who once was his friend. It unsettled him that this is what Japan had been lead to by all those years of trying to get him to open up to the world. He shivered inside.

"You never ansvered my question, "America looked over to Germany who was watching the silent flames, "vhat are you doing avay from camp?"

America gulped, this was the part he had dreaded the second they saw him. What would he say?

"R'It is impoli-"

"I couldn't take it."

All three of the axis immediately froze. Japan didn't care now that he had been cut off, it was what America said that mattered.

"The jabs, the insults," America continued, "I got them every single day. So I needed to cool off or I mightove snapped, hehe, so I ran and I winded up here. I saw your fire and heard Italy singing." He watched the sky and stars. A shooting star flew by and America made a wish.

'I wish I was back home with Tony.'

Germany nodded and so did Japan. Italy though was close to tears, "Ve've all had our hardships, hu?" America laughed at Germany's comment. "Haha, I guess we've had." A hand was placed up to his face.

"Ludwig Beilschmidt." America smiled and shook the now known Ludwig's hand. Italy was next, "Ve~ Feliciano Vargas." Before even America could move Feliciano shook his hand enthusiastically. A few seconds passed but a new hand did not come. Both Ludwig and Feliciano looked over to Japan.

"Ve~ Japan?"


America put his hand up to Japan, "Alfred F. Jones." Japan hesitated but finally shook it, "Kiku Honda."

"Well its a pleasure to finally see you again Kiku." Kiku blushed as Alfred called him his human name. If a country called you that then that meant that they liked you or were your friend. If they didn't then it probably ment they disliked you. Alfred peered at his clock and his eyes widened in alarm.

"Aw man! Its eleven thirty already!" Looking over at Ludwig, Alfred frowned, "Or am I still your guys prisoner?"

Before Ludwig could even answer, "Ve~No your not!" Ludwig sighed. Oh well, he got up and stared Alfred in the eye, "I vill let you go if you promise not to tell a soul about this meeting. Or that ve gave each other our names, Understood?" Alfred nodded and got up as well. He was sincere about his promise and would not tell anybody, but just maybe...

"Hey maybe we could do this again sometime?" Ludwig's face dropped, Kiku had on a thinking expression, and Feliciano cheered. "Ya that would be fun!" Smiling Alfred departed from the fire and back out into the wilderness leaving an excited Feliciano to sing his heart out.

~Later when America got back at camp~

Walking into the tent America spotted England sitting on a chair and reading a book.

"Yo im back, ya miss me?" England grunted.

"It's good to see you to Iggy."


England's outburst had woken up France, China, and Russia who were all sleeping in cots. France growled sleepily, "Quiet down Angleterre, I am trying to get my bueaty sleep." He then tossed in his cot and started snorring. Russia and China both followed France's example and instantly fell back to sleep. Engalnd sighed, "Just go away America and bother somebody else."

America frowned and slumped out of the tent.

It was official, he was going to see the axis again.

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