Chapter Two; Life

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"Shyla!" I ran out of the gym, following her as she walked to the front doors. She looked back at me but didn't stop walking. She turned back to face forward and ignored me. "Shyla, please. I just want to talk to you." 

"About?" she asked, still walking away. 

"Can you just stop and listen to me?" I asked. She stopped walking, then turned around to face me. 

"What Noah?"

"How have you been?" I asked. I watched her face, waiting for some type of expression to show through. But there was nothing. No smile. No brightness in her eyes. Nothing. 

She chuckled humorlessly. "Let's cut to the chase and get to why you're talking to me." 

"I missed you," I said. She rolled her eyes and looked away from me. 

"You don't even know me like that," she said. Her eyes met mine again, still showing no emotion. 

"I thought we were friends, Shy," I said, feeling a little hurt. She scoffed. 

"Friends? I don't have friends." she said, I heard the hurt come through as she talked. Her voice wavered a bit. 

"You have me."

"You were never my friend, Noah. You just wanted to get in my pants." I furrowed my eyebrows, watching her walk away. 

"Wait, Shy." I ran over to her, grabbed her wrist loosely. Walking to be in front of her. I waited a couple of seconds before talking to her, hearing her stomach grumble. I looked up into her dark brown eyes. "Can we just somewhere and talk?" I asked. She stared at me. 

"We can talk here." she said. I sighed. 

"I'm hungry as hell and judging by the way your stomach just growled, I know you're hungry too." She pursed her lips together. "I'll pay."

"I'm very capable of paying for myself." she said quickly. 

"I never said you weren't. I just offered to pay because that's what friends do." She bit her lip, making me glance down at it. 

"Can we wait until the concert is over? I need to say bye to my siblings." I nodded. She took a step off to the side of me. Then walked back towards the gym. 

We stood in the back, waiting for the program to be over. Once it was, she walked over to a little boy and girl. They talked for a little bit before Shyla turned to look at me. She looked back at the kids, said something else and then hugged them. Walking back over to me. I watched as the little boy and girl watched Shyla, before turning to walk towards a woman that looked like an older version of Shyla.

"They were your siblings?"

"Yup." she said, popping the p. 

"And I'm guessing the woman they went to was your mother?" I asked. I noticed she tensed up, but didn't answer me. 

"Why were you here? What do you just like coming to watch elementary school concerts like a pervert?" she asked. As she said that, Nick ran up to me. 

"Noah, you missed me singing cause you were talking."

"Sorry, bud. I had to catch up with a friend." I said, sneaking a glance up at Shyla. She stared at us silently. Nick turned to look at Shyla then smiled.

"Hi, Noah's friend." he gave her a small wave. Shyla's lip twitched slightly but she none the less waved back at Nick. 

"Hi, Noah's brother. You're much more adorable than he is." she nearly gushed. But her face was still as serious as could be. But that didn't scare Nick off. I could tell that he liked her. 

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