Chapter Eight; Needed It

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Tyler and I were sitting at the table in the food court when I saw her walk past. I don't think she saw us. I mean, she looked as if she was in a rush and slightly upset or angry. I stood up quickly, following behind her. "Shyla," I called out. She looked back at me, her eyes widening slightly. 

"Noah, hi." she whispered as I got close to her. 

"How you been? We haven't talked in a while." I watched as she nodded, looking back in the direction of where she had just came from, in a slight panic. 

"I've been living." she said. "Can we talk later? Please, I have to go." she said, rushing. 

"Shy," I called out to her but it was drowned out as someone called her name out louder. I looked back to see a man walking towards us, anger evident on his face and judging by the way he was walking, he looked like he was ready to kill. And for some reason, I felt the need to block Shyla from his wraith. And I did just that. 

I stood in front of her and stared at the man, trying my best to look angry. Trying to intimidate him to best I could. I mean this man was tall and he looked old enough to be my father. As I made that realization, I also made the realization of who this could be. 

The ex-best friend's father. I tensed up but still blocked Shyla. "Move boy." the man seethed. 

"No." I said standing my ground. The man looked me up and down before chuckling humorlessly. 

"You got a new dumbass boyfriend, huh?" he laughed some more before he averted his eyes back to Shyla. "He's adorable but he isn't going to make me change my mind on what I said." 

"He isn't my boyfriend, but even if he was, it isn't your business. Leave me alone, Franklin." Shyla said, her voice wavering a little. But I couldn't help it as I smirked at the name. Franklin. The only Franklin I ever knew was the turtle.

"I can't leave you alone until you take care of it." he shouted, a lot of people turned as he got louder. 

"I'm not getting an abortion!" she said. As she said that, I turned to look at her. Tears were falling down her face. I knew people were watching us now, they were making a huge scene. 

"What?" I asked. She shook her head, wiping her eyes. 

"Just, leave me alone, Franklin. I was leaving you alone."

"You came to my job." he sneered. 

"Because you work in the only place where I can get assistance for this baby! I was hoping you weren't there. Do you really think I wanted to see you? After you did what you did? Fuck no!" I watched as she started sobbing harder. "Just leave me alone, please."

"Get the abortion and I'll leave you alone, for real."

"Fuck you!" she shouted. 

"She doesn't have to get an abortion if she doesn't want one. It's her body, her child." I spoke up, Franklin glared at me. He was obviously angry that I was interfering into their conversation. A conversation that didn't have anything to do with me.

"My child too!" Franklin shouted.

"Would you like to explain to everyone how this child came about?" I asked him. Franklin's face turned a deep shade of red. 

"Fuck off. It isn't any of your business." Franklin said, backing up slightly. 

"It is my business because I care for Shyla." 

"I care for her too." 

"The fuck if you do. Not only are you trying to pressure her into getting in an abortion, but you also pressured her-." 

"Noah, no!" Shyla shouted. I turned back to look at her. There was a hint of fear in her eyes, it made me think that I did something wrong.

"What I do?" 

"Please don't say that out loud, here," she whispered. I stared at her with confusion laced in my eyes but didn't say anything, only because she asked. If it wasn't because she asked, I would've put him on blast. Let the world know what he really is. 

"Ok." I mumbled. 

"Yeah, listen to your little whore." 

"Don't you ever call her names." I snarled. That name made my blood boil. I knew exactly why I felt that way, but either way, I was going to protect her. My friend.

"Noah, let's just leave." Shyla said. I looked over at her. 

"This conversation isn't over, Shy."

"Fuck you, Franklin. This conversation has been over since it started. I'm not changing my mind on anything." Shyla grabbed my hand then pulled me out the food court with her. I didn't put up a fight, I just followed behind her. She finally stopped as we made it outside, I watched as she took a deep breath before turning to me. 

"Why the fuck did you do that?" she asked. 

"What you wanted me to just allow him to just attack you?"

"That's not what I was talking about!" she shouted. I stared at her confused. "Why'd you stop me? I was on my way out the door before you came out and you caused a scene. A fucking scene. I hate that shit." 

"I'm sorry." she shook her head. "I didn't mean to, I just haven't spoken to you in a while and I wanted to make sure you were ok." I explained. 

"I was ok before that shit! Have you ever thought that maybe I keep disappearing because I don't want to be around you?" I took a step back. "Since I've been around you, you've made my life so fucking bad." 

"I'm not trying to." I whispered, my feelings were hurt honestly.

"And you're annoying. So fucking annoying." I took in a deep breath. I don't know why but all I wanted to do was to get away from her.

"Well, I'll make this easier for you. I'll leave this time and I won't have to look for you." 

"Noah, I-." 

"Bye Shyla, for real this time." I turned and walked away. For the first time, I actually walked away from Shyla. No matter how much that it hurt me to walk away, I knew I needed to. We both needed it.

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