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Midoriyas POV

Beep beep be-

I reach over and turn off my alarm. I walk over to my closet and grab my  uniform. I get dressed and head downstairs. "Good morning sweetie, did you sleep well?" my mom says. "Ya"

 "That's good to hear; I made you breakfast it's on the table". "thanks mom" I say as I walk into over to the table and sit down. 

On the plate were two pancakes, some bacon, and some eggs. 'She always know what I like'. I ate my breakfast, rinsed off my plate, and put it in the dishwasher. 

I pull out my phone and text Uraraka. 


Hey Deku :)

You almost here?

Yep i'm on your road

Ok i'll meet you outside then :)

Alright see you in  a minuet 

I put my phone in my pocket and grabbed my bag. "I'm heading off to school mom". "Alright sweetie I love you be safe" she said from another room. 

I head out the door and see Uraraka at the end of the driveway. I join her and we walk to school. We  were talking about soulmates when we made it the classroom.

We walked in to see Iida yelling at Bakugou. "Stop being disrespectful and get your feet off the desk!" "What are you gonna Do if I don't hmm?" "well i'll... um" Bakugou snickered knowing he had won. 

As Midoriya unpacked his things he heard someone walk through the door but paid no mind to it. When he heard someone sit down next to him he looked and saw it was the red and white haired boy. 

'This would be a good time to get to know him. Ya i'm gonna talk to him, what's the worst that could happen?'

He turned and faced the boy. "Hi i'm Izuku Midoriya" He said smiling at the boy. "Hey" was all the boy said while getting out a book. "What's your name?" "Shouto Todoroki"

"It's nice to meet you Todoroki, I like your eyes". He realized what he said and tried to correct himself but felt like he only made it worse.

"N-Not in t-that way I-I meant that it's cool how the're like different colors" he said stammering way too much.

"O-Oh, well thanks" he said a bit flustered. Midoriya could've sworn he saw him blushing a little bit. 

'He looks kind of cute when he gets flustered. Wait what am I thinking I just met him and he probably doesn't even like me'.

'Well either way that could've gone way better. I hope my face wasn't too red' he thought knowing he was as red as Todorokis hair.

Midoriya heard a giggle and saw Uraraka looking at him with a wide grin. 'oh geez I think she heard us'. He rolled his eyes at her and started doodling while waiting for class to start.

Todoroki's POV

I put my stuff down and pulled out a book. "Hey i'm Izuku Midoriya" a boy next to him said. 'Great just what I need, why did he decide to talk to me?'. 

"What's your name?" 'ugh I really don't want to talk to anyone' "Shouto Todoroki" he said hoping he would take the hint. 

  "It's nice to meet you Todoroki, I like your eyes". I was taken aback by that comment. "N-Not in t-that way I-I meant that it's cool how the're like different colors". 'He's kinda cute when he stammers- what am I saying I just met him'.

"Oh, well thanks" I could tell I was blushing, I hope he couldn't tell but I have a feeling he did.

I turned back to my book and read while waiting for class to start. A few minuets later Mr. Aizawa walked in telling everyone to get in their seats.

"Alright class today we are doing sparring. You can wear your hero costume or your gym uniform I don't care. Either way get changed and meet me at the training grounds."

The class got excited and rushed to the locker rooms to change. Everyone met at the training grounds as Aizawa explained the rules.

"you will pick a partner and fight while I sleep" Aizawa said getting into his sleeping bag.

'I don't know who to be with since it seems like Momo is with Jirou'. He snapped out of his thoughts when he heard a familiar voice.

 "Hey Todoroki wanna be partners?"


Sorry for not posting in a while I've been busy with school work. 

Anyways... I'm going to try and make these chapters longer and more detailed.

If you have any advise or if i made any mistakes please let me know

I hope you enjoyed and I hope you have a wonderful morning, evening, or night.

Peace out :D

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