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Todoroki's POV

"Do you wanna be partners?" He heard a voice behind him say. He turned around to see Midoriya standing there smiling at him.

'Why would he want to be partners with me? Usually people try to avoid me'.

"Why do you want to be partners with me?". "Oh um well because Iida and Uraraka are partners and you looked like you didn't have a partner and ..." he rambled on and on.

"Alright fine let's be partners" he said hoping that would silence the boy. "Yay let's go" Midoriya said pulling him to an empty area where they would have room to fight.

They fought for a while and Todoroki ended up beating him. As they were finishing a battle, Aizawa woke up and told everyone that training was over. The class groaned because they were having fun.

Midoriyas POV

As the two started walking back Midoriya tripped and started to fall. He braced himself to hit the ground but he didn't. He opened his eyes to see that Todoroki grabbed his hand.

That is when he noticed his scar, it was glowing. When he looked up at Todoroki he noticed his scar was glowing too.

"T-Todoroki our scars". When Todoroki realized he let go of his hand. Luckily no one was around so nobody saw what just happened.

"We will talk about this after school" Todoroki whispered as they went to meet up with the class.

But Midoriya couldn't focus the rest of the day. He was too busy thinking about what had happened.

'Todoroki is my soulmate? How is that possible I always thought I was straight? What if he doesn't like me? Do I even like him that way? We are friends I haven't really thought of us as a thing?'

Those thoughts spiraled in his head the rest of the day. If felt like forever until the final bell rang and school was over. He was more nervous than anything else.

After he got his things he decided to wait for Todoroki outside of the school. After a few minutes he saw him walking out of the building.

"Hey Todoroki" he said getting the boys attention. "Hey" he said walking up to him. "So um about earl-" he was cut off by Todoroki pulling him behind the school.

When they got there he had to regain his balance. 'What's he going to do?' " I doubt he actually likes me. I don't  see why anyone wou-" he was cut off from his mumbling by Todoroki pinning him against the wall and kissing him.

He didn't resist, instead he pulled him closer. 'I never knew how soft his lips were'. They kissed as long as they could before breaking and gasping for air.

"I do like you Midoriya" Todoroki said after catching his breath." I like you too".

"Should we tell people about us and what are we?" He asked. "Let's wait a bit to tell people and we are soulmates". "Well  I know we are soulmates but what do we call ourselves". "Hmm i know" Todoroki said excitedly. "come on" Todoroki said pulling him by the arm again.

"Todoroki slow down you're gonna rip my arm off" he said pulling his arm out of the boy's grasp. "Oh sorry im just excited" he said letting go of Midoriyas arm.

"Where are we going anyway" he asked for the 10th time. "You'll see when we get there" he said picking up the pace. "Fine" he pouted crossing his arms.

"This is the place" Todoroki said stopping at a cafe. "Why did you take me here?". "Because I want to get to know you" Todoroki responded opening the door for him.

We went in and say down at a table.  We talked for a bit and learned more about each other. A waiter took our order and we continued talking until our drinks came back. I felt my phone buzz and saw my mom texted me.

I am worried are you ok you haven't come home yet.

'Aww now I feel bad for making her worry.

I'm fine sorry for worrying you
I'll come home right away

Alright dear see you soon.

"It's everything ok Midoriya?" Todoroki said with a concerned expression. "Ya that was my mom she wants me home". "Oh ok, but before you go I have one more thing to ask you". "Alright what is it?".

"Midoriya, will you-"


Woo cliffhanger

Sorry I haven't updated in a while I've been on a road trip.

I hope you all enjoyed reading and I will hopefully update soon


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