Chapter 14

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(AN: OMG guys this took a while! But hey! I'm here now so hope you enjoy.)


The p;anning was hectic. At least for me. Our wedding was commencing in less than a month and he man I'm engaged to manages to lie on the couch. All day. And this was just the beginning. We hadn't even completed the guest list - which was full of my friends. Well, Sherlock did try to invite his brother, but he 'declined with warm regards'.

"Is there anyone else you want to invite?" I ask, hoping for a reply.

"No. I already tried and failed. Just invite whoever you want. I'll play along and try to be nice." He said with a slightly sarcastic tone. 

"Alright then. I'll just do everything..." I mumble, getting annoyed with my husband - to - be. I even wondered if this marriage would last. 

"What?" Sherlock turns around to face me, still lying on the couch. "You said something about our marriage."

I felt my cheeks go red as he said that sentence.

"Oh, no..." Finally giving up on trying to compress the feeling, I sigh. "Well, it isn't going to last very long if you lie on the couch and do nothing. You know, it might not go ahead because someone was too lazy!"

He smiles and finally gets up, heading for the kitchen after giving me a peck on the cheek.

"Right. So far we have..." I pull out the reasonably short list of people that are invited.

"Mrs Hudson..." 

"Well, that's a start." Sherlock says, rolling his eyes slightly. 

"Sod it. If you don't want to hear who's coming and who isn't, fine. It'll be a surprise." Now I feel like a five year old. "Look, I've invited a few of my friends, and that's it! You'll get to meet them and have... Fun."

(AN: Ah that was a little bit short but there is another chapter on it's way like right now so... Yeah!)

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