Chapter - 24

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Author's P.O.V.

"Want to grab a drink?" Bobby asked me with a sad smile in his face and I just nodded and followed him.

At the bar,

"Do you believe in her JunHee?" Bobby asked me after sipping the drink he ordered. I stared at the colorful liquid in front of me and let out a sad smile.

"Why does that even matter? The people who I believed all betrayed me. I don't know anymore" I said and gulped down the drink which made my throat burn a little. I turned to the bartender and ordered the same drink again.

"Cynthia is lying" Bobby said and a small spark was visible in my eyes but I didn't show it and just asked,

"How can you be so sure?" I asked turning to Bobby.

"Because I trust her" Bobby simply answered and shrugged.

"Then why did you cry?" I asked him with a eyebrow raised. He drank his rest of the drink and turned towards me.

"Even though I know those were lies, it still hurts" Bobby said sadly.

"I don't know how my life became this messed up" I sighed.

"I'm a good listener" Bobby said and smiled warmly. I gulp down another drink and thought it was better to open to someone. I said everything from my evil dad's plan to Donghyuk's innocent act.

"Do you still love Hanbin?" Bobby asked me.

"I still love him and I love only him." I said and my tears left my eyes when I realise how Hanbin became a great part in my life.

Bobby took out his phone and I looked at him in confusion. He kept the phone near his ears and said,

"Did you hear it? You better come here running. If you lose her then I will definitely kick your ass." Bobby said and that's when I realised it was Hanbin in the phone. I snatched the phone from Bobby's hand and looked into the dialer and the call was on. I took the phone and whispered,

"H..Hanbin" I felt like my words are stuck in the throat. The other side was silent and only Hanbin's panting was heard.

"I'm sorry baby for not listening to you." He said in between his breaths.

"Where are you Hanbin? I want to see you now" I said.

"Right behind you JunHee" The voice which I wanted to hear for this whole evening was heard behind me. I stood up and turned to the direction of the voice's owner. I was received with a tight hug from Hanbin which made me hard to breathe. I sniffed his cologne which is now completely mixed with his sweat and that was heaven. That moment I broke down completely. I felt safe in his arms. I grabbed on his shirt tight and sobbed. He patted my back until I calmed down. 

I slowly opened my eyes and saw Hanbin sweetly smiling at me and I turned to see Cynthia and Bobby smiling warmly at us. So everything was their plan.

"Cynthia" I said. She came running to me and hugged me.

"I'm really sorry JunHee. I was angry at you that time because of those messages and I wanted to hurt you for hurting my friend. Hanbin is only my friend and I never thought of him more and the one I love is Bobby" Cynthia said and that brought a smile to my lips.

"You have to ask sorry to me too Cynthia" Bobby said in the middle. Even though his lips smiled he was still a little hurt. I could see that.

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