My name is Aria Blaze

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I walk into the hair shoppe and smelled hair dye straight away. My mother dyes her hair a lot. No one is here. Then Poppy, a red and brown haired girl come out. Her pink eyes scan me.

"Are you...Amethyst Blaze?" she asked.

"Yes," A voice said. Sonata walked into the room, Adagio following for a change. Sonata looks at me like I'm some cute puppy. Hopefully they won't treat me like a puppy.

"Poppy, will you let us with Amethyst for a while?" Adagio asked. Poppy immediately left the room. I saw a blink of green mist from her boots. I was imagining things, probably, with the strange mind of mine.

"Dye your hair. Put contacts in your eyes. Put on heaps of make up. Remake yourself." Adagio whispered. She then left.

"Don't worry about her! She's a grumpy pants! I personally think you will look fabulous, and you will feel fabulous!" Sonata exclaimed, the followed Adagio.

"So, have you decided?" Poppy asked as she walked in.

"Yes." I replied.


(A/N I feel like this is the Capitol from


New look, new name.

I'm recreating myself. Piece by piece.

My name is Aria Blaze.

My fringe is parted the the sides.

I have teal strips in my hair.

Eyeliner, mascara, eyeshadow. Contacts instead of glasses.

Now to go...*sigh*

"You look amazing."Poppy complimented.

"Because of you! This is...just...awesome!" I exclaimed. Poppy seems proud of herself.

I'm not the nerd I was before. I'm a beautiful smart girl named Aria Blaze.


Adagio walked in. "Amethyst-"

Her mouth dropped open.

Somata soon hurried in. "Hey Adag-"

And then the two girls were wearing the exact same face.

"You like it?" I ask.

"You clean up well... oh, what am I kidding? You look stunning...Aria." Adagio smirked.

"OHMIGOSH OHMIGOSH! Oh..." Looking for Adagio's approval, Sonata continued. "You are gorgeous, Aria Blaze."

"Thanks. Let's" I said.

Amethyst BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now