The Dance- Part 1

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The Dance Commitee were setting up the gym. There was a stage for live bands, food table and more. Oceane Jewel was making sure the lighting was perfect, Poppy, Caramello and some helpers were sweeping, putting up posters, that kind of stuff. Ocean and I were helping Lime Burst with the food table. Lime was a fantastic baker, and supplied us with tarts, punch and more.

"Well done everyone!" Misty yelled.

"Go home, put on your best outfit and make sure you are here 5 minutes earlier! Bye!" Caramello shouted.

I waved goodbye to everyone and went home.

The dress was astonishing. It was a teal dress, with floaty material for the skirt (look at pic to get a clearer image) and was just gorgeous. I curled my hair, put on make up, shoes and grabbed my bag. Ocean will be here any second-

The sound of knocking rang through my ears as I walked to the door. I opened it to find Ocean in a suit with an arrangement of flowers in his hand.

I blushed and took the flowers from his hand. I was led over to a shiny white car.

"You first, my lady." He said jokingly.

"Why, thank you!" I said in a high pitched voice.

We laughed and sat down in the car.

"You look beautiful." Ocean said.

"Thank you." I replied, just as the door closed.

"Ocean! You're here! Oh, and Amethyst. You both look stunning. You're setting up the stage." Oceane Jewel said as we entered. Her beautiful ombre hair flowed around her shoulders, like her lilac dress flowed down her knees.

The stage was set, the lighting was beautiful and the lights were off.

Oceane opened the door and students flooded in. The gym became loud and music started to play.

The door burst open. Everyone looked to see who it was.
I saw a blue and orange blur. It couldn't be...

Hey everyone! The thing is I'm working into the sirens from Equestria thing, which is really hard to fit in, so does anyone have an idea of how to do it?
Thanks everyone, I love writing this story!
~ dazzlingaria

Amethyst BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now