Dance Commitee Meeting

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Girls screaming about who they are asking to the dance. A group of girls wearing shirts that say,"FRIES BEFORE GUYS"

There was also the first meeting for the dance commitee in...5 mins.

"Hey Amethyst! Let's gooooo!" Caramello said as she grabbed (dragged) me to the discussion room.

"Sit down girls! And guy..." Misty exclaimed. "So, we have the thing about girls ask guys, but we need a theme. Any ideas?"

The silence was killing me.

I had to speak up. "How about music? Sure, music will already be playing, but expanding it into a theme."

Oceane nodded and did the cliche 'filing nails with feet up' thing. That was usual for her though.

"Sounds great! Okay, so does anyone know any bands or ideas on how to do this?" Misty asked the group.

"Hey Amethyst, don't you have two friends who could sing for us?" Poppy asked.

"They might not be able to come, they are going to be back in a month," I replied.

Oceane nodded yet again, acting like she didn't care.

"Oceane..." her twin began to say, but Oceane stood up.

"IDEA!" She yelled. "How about... we can have a music-themed talent show included?"

Misty asked, "Everyone agrees?"

We all nodded.

"Thank you, that's all today. We are having another meeting as soon as we can, okay? See you guys!"


"Amethyst! Wait up!" Ocean called.

"What is it?" I asked, turning around. He seemed to start getting a bit fidgety, which I couldn't tell what he was feeling.

"Do you want to go out with me?" He blurted so fast I could barely hear him. I nodded shyly.

"Can I ask you sonething as well? Will you go to the dance with me?"

"Sure! Well, why not?"

"Anyway, I got to go, see you!"

"Yeah, um, bye!" He waved.

Amethyst BlazeWhere stories live. Discover now