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The Head of Berk's Children's and Family Services Department, Lisbeth Mortensen, had a very nasty surprise when Inspector Sven Shepherd of Berk PD turned up at her office and charged her with reckless Child Endangerment. Protesting loudly, the Inspector-a man with a bald head, jug ears and large bushy blonde moustache-had shown little sympathy. In a relentless high-pitched voice, the man had explained that the treatment of Natasha Fury had been shown to be completely inadequate with ignoring a complaint made about her living conditions and safety, no evidence that anyone had looked into the foster home for years, attacking the public-spirited citizens who had made the report, denying her lawyer access to the girl and offering no support after the death of her father.

Shocked, her day had gotten worse when the Mayor had phoned her up and roared down the line at her about the scandal. It was clear to him-and the Chief Prosecutor, who had spoken with him-that the Department was completely lacking in compassion and in any sort of interest in the welfare of the children in their care. Natasha Fury was the obvious case but, as he pointed out, how many more were there in trouble?

Enraged, the woman went back to her staff and found them disinterested, unengaged and not even aware that there were complaints and concerns about the girl. The last time her foster home had been inspected was five years earlier and the standard checks were not being done across the board. And then she found that the girl was the subject of an adoption application where the couple making the application were being treated like public enemies when they had already passed all the stringent checks and were model citizens. It took little work to trace it back to one worker, Marta Kromberg, whose brother had been a shady character and known drug dealer in Berk's Underworld and who had been killed in a gang fight for which Tallyn Fury was cleared...but which she clearly blamed him for. And the fact that she was punishing his young daughter for the dead man's crimes was reprehensible. Marta had been suspended, along with seven other staff, all new protocols were approved and fresh workers were drafted in from Departments in the neighbouring towns of Bog, Berserk, Visithug and Meathead. The first home scheduled to be visited was Natasha's. But before that, Lisbeth fast-tracked and approved the application for Natasha's adoption.

Hiccup and Astrid were concerned and wary when they were called into the Department about the adoption and they arrived five minutes early, sitting quietly in the waiting area holding hands. Smart in his black suit, white shirt and deep red tie with Astrid looking stunning in a simple navy high neck short dress with navy tights, knee length navy leather boots and a knee length cream winter coat, her hair braided as ever over her left shoulder, the pair looked up as Lisbeth emerged. She was a medium height woman with bobbed blonde hair, blue eyes and a few freckles, her dark dress and boots unremarkable.

"Mr and Mrs Haddock? Please come in," she said and invited them into her office. Taking a seat, she looked at the young couple. "My name is Lisbeth Mortensen."

"Hiccup and Astrid Haddock," Hiccup said, holding Astrid's hand. He could feel her trembling and his heart was racing in his chest. He had no idea what to expect. But Lisbeth was smiling.

"I am impressed by your persistence and determination, Mr Haddock," she said. "You and your wife are a couple who have suffered real hardships and disappointments and you have come through everything together. You have jumped through every hoop placed in front of you-including ones that you never should have had to face-and are clearly a couple who would offer a safe a loving home to a child." And then she paused. "But why Natasha Fury?"

Glancing at Astrid, Hiccup looked back at Lisbeth.

"Her father saved my life," he revealed. "I was attacked and he distracted my attacker. I was able to stop him and he got me help. Her father was charged with killing the man who tried to kill me and I went to see him as his attorney. He was worried about his daughter and asked me to check she was safe." He handed over the letter and Lisbeth read it, her eyes widening.

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