Chapter 5

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"We should make covers first and the originals on the competition." Dylan suggested. All of us agreed to it, "but what song should we play?" Thomas asked. "Uhh what about fireflies by owl city?" Kaya suggested, the majority of us scrunched their noses, thinking it is too techno. Me, on the other hand, just go with any song, as long as the song is lively. "What about I write sins not tragedies by Panic! At the disco?" Dylan suggested. "That's not bad, but maybe too much of an emo thing." Stella stated.

"Okay, what about this one," Stella paused and played the music on her phone. They smiled and nodded their heads at the rhythm. "This one's good!" Thomas said. "Plus, the melody fits the Halloween night." Kaya added.

"Okay then, this one it is." Stella made it official. "So, what are the chords?" I asked. "Easy, just Am, G, Em, D, F, and C. The key chord is Am. And no chords in the intro until the victorious part." She answered. "Alright, let's get on to practice shall we?" Thomas said.


Third person POV

After five tries and stopping Kaya from giving up, they finally mastered the song. Ms. Jenny even heard them from the other side of the door. She felt proud when they informed her that they will be performing on Wednesday.

They finished the practice as they notice the sky getting dark. They all said goodnights and parted ways to their dorms. As soon as they entered their rooms, they flopped into their beds, not even bothering to change their clothes since the five of them are already asleep from exhaustion.

The next day was just as same as yesterday, wake up, classes, and band practice. The only difference is having to practice more and plan on what their band name should be.


"Hmm what about, 'paradox'?" Dylan suggested. All of them think about it for a second but rejected after 5 seconds. They've been thinking of a name for hours, but nothing came up.

"What about you, Y/N, do you have any ideas?" Kaya asked. "Let's not talk about this for a moment, the more we think of it, the less time we have for practice. I'm sure it will pop up eventually."

So they put the name aside and just practice. They forgot that the principal doesn't know about this, so they were oblivious the whole time and kept on making melodic noises. Little did they know that the principal was walking around the corridors, inspecting the halls. The students should be in their dorms at 8:00pm.

In the basement, The head of the school heard the noise that the group were making, so he furiously followed the noise.

He found himself in front of the music room and opened the door. "Oi! You're not supposed to be here at this hour!" The group jumped from the principal's voice. "But Mr Finnegan-" Kaya began but soon cut off by Mr Finnegan, "I don't want to hear it! My office now!" His face was as stern as his voice.

The five of them put down the instruments and had their heads hung low as they approach the principal's office.


All of them stood in a line, side by side. While listening to the scolds of the grey-haired principal. Until he heard an owl pecking the window of the room across the office. As you can tell, he can hear anything even from a long distance. He groaned in frustration and head to the other room to shoo the bird away.

As soon as he closed the door, the group already hears the faint sounds of Mr Finnegan, shooing the owl. They can tell that he is flailing his hands when they hear some objects drop on the floor.

"C'mon, let's get out of here." Stella whispered. All of them grabbed their things and head towards the door. As they closed the door, they run through the corridors, "Hey! I'm not done with you! You scolded owls!" Mr. Finnegan shouted to them, as if he mixed the words up as he swats the bird away irritatingly. They sure heard it, but it didn't stop them from escaping his lectures.

They all said goodnight to one another and parted ways. 

~the next day~

"So, any Ideas for our name? 'Cause if we don't have any, how are we going to introduce ourselves as a group tonight?" as if on cue, Kaya's question is answered. "Hello scolded owls!" Dylan said as he barged in the room. "That's it!" Stella said. Dylan looked at Stella confusingly. 

All of them looked at her like how Dylan looks at her, until Y/N realizes what Stella was talking about, "Mr. Finnegan already gave us the name last night. Well, not intentionally, but it kinda has a good ring to it, doesn't it?" All of them smiled in response. "I'll take that as a yes."

And that's how they got their band name.

~time skip~

This is it, the night where they will perform in front of a crowd as a band. The gym was already set for the night:

Fake cobwebs, pumpkins, fake skeletons all around the room. Purple and other dark colored lights. Creepy sounds mixed with the music blaring in costumed students filled gym. A stage with instruments, waiting to be played. But where is the band? 

Thomas POV 

We're supposed to perform the song thirty minutes ago, but Y/N went missing. "Bloody hell, where is Y/N??" Stella asked, you can see that she's already looking problematic. We've been asking the kids that are working on the sounds and lights backstage, but nobody knows where she is. Kaya have been looking for her through the corridors. Dylan looking for her through the dorms.

I looked at Dylan with hope in my eyes as he came back. Unfortunately, he didn't found her. Now I'm here, thinking of where would she hide while pacing back and forth. Until Kaya came running towards us, "I found her."

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