Chapter 18

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Your POV

*Harry Potter ringtone*

Damn it. Thomas just doesn't want to stop calling me and sending me messages. The more I see his name on my notifications the more I got tempted to answer.

Then again, my phone started ringing. I was about to decline it, but I see my aunt's contact ID. So I answered it.

Aunt Julia

Hi, aunt Julia! How's everything going in Liverpool?

'Things are good! You?

Everything's fine here.. will you watch us in the battle of the bands on Friday?

Of course! Anything for my niece!

Will John come with you?

He will be delighted to be there.

Nice! All right I gotta rehearse, see you next week. I love you!

Love you too! See ya next week.

I ended the call and turned my phone off so I can't hear any single phone call or message from anyone especially Thomas. "Who's that?" Stella asked. "It was my aunt Julia, she just asked how's everything going." I answered. She nodded and asked, "can you teach me the guitar part of the song you wrote so I can help you lead it?"

"Of course!" We grabbed our guitars and positioned it against our front. "Alright, so in the intro, you strum it like this:" I strum the intro of the song, "it's like you're letting out your anger in it." I explained. She nodded in understanding.

We continued to do this until she learned the whole song.


Dylan's POV

Thomas groaned in frustration because he kept on calling or sending messages to Y/N but she never answers. He tried again, while biting his nail and muttering, "come on Y/N, please pick up.." while pacing back and forth.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Dude, give her some space. What you did was disappointing, but I already accepted the fact that you already changed bands. But you know Y/N, she isn't gonna forgive you that easy." I stated as I watched him waiting for Y/N to answer. He sighed and aborted his call as he sat on his bed, putting the phone down.

"Look, she may be stubborn around you for a moment, but just be there for her when she needs you, alright?" I advised to him. I received a nod from him.

I changed the subject and asked, "So, how's you and Sierra?" He scoffed and looked at me, "It's good, but... all she wants to do is cling on me, all she wants to do is make out." He answered. I tried not to bust out of laughter and just nod.

We talked more until I received a call from an Asian friend of mine back in America.

"Yo! Ki hong!! How's life?"

"Everything's good! Y'know, just here, in my house, chilling and maybe studying. You?"

"Oh you know, I'm about to rehearse later with my friends."

"For what?"

"There's this contest going on in the Uni so.. yeah!"

"Wicked! Wish I could be there, but I got stuck with so much school work. Well, have fun and I hope you win!"

"Thanks! Alright bye."


As soon as I ended the call, I got a message from Kaya:

Time for rehearsals!

"Okay, I gotta rehearse with them. See you later." I said to Thomas.
"All right, bye." He replied.

I grabbed my key and opened the door to see Thomas' new group. "Thomas! You have visitors!" I shouted to him. He approached the door and let them in. I greeted him again, "see you later" I left the dorm and head to the music room.

I opened the door to the room where we rehearse to see them setting up. "Hey!" I greeted to them.

They looked up and smiled, "Hi!"

"Alright, Kaya, you won't be playing the keyboard on this song. Do you mind using the tambourine while being a background singer?" Kaya shook her head with a genuine smile, "I don't mind at all! It means I get to just bang the tambourine. I don't have to learn the chords!" She said in relief. Y/N smiled at her and said, "Alright, Dyl?" "Yes?" I turned my attention to Y/N, "Could you think of the right rhythm that fits in the song?" I shrugged and answered, "I could try." "Nice, alright follow Stella's lead." She ordered.

Stella started the song and I thought of the rhythm that can fit in it. So I played it and their face lit up, "Okay! that's the beat!" Stella exclaimed. Kaya and Y/N agreed and sing the first verse.

No sir, well I don't wanna be the blame, not anymore.
It's your turn, so take a seat we're settling the final score.
And why do we like to hurt so much?

I can't decide
You have made it harder just to go on
And why, all the possibilities well I was wrong..



Third person POV

They've been practising the whole 5 days for this event that's now happening tonight. Most of the guardians of the students are here, waiting for them to play and win.

The Y/H/C haired girl's aunt visited her in the music room where they prepared with her cousin John before the program starts. Y/N changed her outfit which consists of her brown Dr Martens, black skinny jeans with a white tank top that matches her plaid button-up long sleeve shirt with her bracelet.

 Y/N changed her outfit which consists of her brown Dr Martens, black skinny jeans with a white tank top that matches her plaid button-up long sleeve shirt with her bracelet

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"You look beautiful darling!" Julia exclaimed. "Thanks, but I'm not beautiful," Y/N chuckled, "These are my friends and band mates, Stella, Dylan, and Kaya." She introduced to her aunt and cousin. Soon they greeted each other a "nice to meet you" and shaking each other's hand then they talked about random things until the event started. "Alright, I'll be going to my seat now." Julia said to Y/N. She nodded and okay and smiled. "John? John??" Julia called her son who is making eye contact with Stella. This made a smirk plaster on the Y/E/C eyed girl's face. John half snapped out of his gaze, "yes mum?" "Are you staying here or coming with me?" She asked John. "N-no I'll just hang around here." He said. Julia nodded in understanding and left.

"Well someone fancies Stella." Y/N stated. "Oh shut up!" John playfully shoved Y/N by her shoulder as she laughs.

"Good evening ladies and gentlemen, I am Jenny Cortez and I will be your host for this program." The music teacher said through the microphone. "Are you ready to hear music from our students?!" She excitedly asked to the audience. Screams and cheers evolved around the room. "Alright! Let the show begin!"

That's What you Get.. (Thomas Brodie Sangster x reader) »COMPLETED«Where stories live. Discover now