Chapter - 18

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Maahir's POV

I'm sitting in my room. Today Bela didn't call me I know maybe her hands will be full with Mehendi but still my heart wants to heard her sound.

I pout, as I saw a good night text come. That's it.... today only good night. Not hubby.

"Good night angel 😊" I texted back and laid on bed. Nowadays her dreams are also coming, huh. I'm getting mad. Maybe that's happened when someone fall in love!


Next morning,

I get up and yawning, I look the date on my after 5 days my marriage is going to happen. The happiness feelings are there but nervousness too. I just hope I can make her always happy and fullfil her dreams. She's really important to me.

Full day with this relatives, cousins my head is Paining and here Bela didn't called me also. She didn't reply my good morning text. Maybe her cousin again take her phone.

Finally waiting till evening I thought to call her but she didn't pick up. So I called about Kuhu but she herself call me.

"Hey juju"

"Hi"  I thought it to be Bela, but hearing Kuhu's voice I feel sad.

"Huh this low hi? Are you okay Jiju?"

"Yeah. It's just I'm tired" I can't hide my disappoint, I know.

"Oh okay I call you to inform the party we're planning."

"Party?" I asked Being confused

"Yup in club. I'll text you the address. Be there"

"Okay.. wait"


"Is Bela will be there?"

"Yeah your soon to be wife also there. Don't inform family. Just take your friends and cousins whom you wants. Okay bye jiju"

After cutting the call a smile spread in my lips. I'm going to meet her today. That's will be great. Otherwise I'm Missing her badly.

At evening we want to party venue, Rose club. Well we all went to private area and cheers taking cocktails.

Bela is looking so beautiful today in white short dress with open hair.

"Let's dance" Kuhu Said and take Abhijit who also comes. Before Siya could say Bela holding my hand take me away...aww she's still jealous of her.

Her another cousin didn't comes so Siya at last have company Yuvi Bhai Who's face is showing how much he's getting irritated from her.

"Maahir I want to say you something" Bela said, she's looking tensed for something.

"Bela are you okay?" She nods but still she's looking tense.

Is she changed her mind for marriage?

"Bela is this about marriage" she nods no and I sigh, she scared me.

"With actually. I didn't know how to say! I mean" she's behaving strange, a bold courageous girl like her why would be nervous so much.

I take her aside from dance floor.

"Bela you can share me anything" she gives me a smile.

"Yeah actually I-" but her voice interrupt hearing another person's voice and my blood boil.

"That's the model. OMG. You're really very hot. But in bikinis you look more sexy"

We both give look to the strange drunker.

"Excuse me..get lost" Bela said before I could say anything.

But that bloody drunker hold her hand..."why sexy? Giving men's so hot thinks you're saying get lost"

The next second this bloody men lying on floor. Kuhu, Abhijit, Yuvi, Siya all comes with running. But I didn't could he say all this to Bela.

"Maahir stop he could die"

"Maahir stop"

"Maaaahhhhiirr"  I stop finally hearing Bela's shout and Yuvi, Abhijit sigh as they can't be able to stop me.

Holding my hands Bela take me out. I'm still very Angry on what happened, that's comments on her.

"That's why I didn't like you wearing on bikini. Did you heard what he said? He is watching your all those pictures and had dirty fantasies. Arrg. I hate your bloody photo shoots" I said left her hand. And she glare at me.

"Nonsense. All those are useless dirty boys. We can't control there's thinking so of course for them I would never stop my model career. It's my passion and don't behave like those oldy relatives who still give me lectures on this" she shouted and it anger me more.

"That's all true. You know very well that how much I hate this work. I mean specially your those bikini shoots. Last time I also catch a man watching you Lustfully."

"Stop it Maahir. There will be always some cheep boy's who watches girls and it's not matter what they wear. And what about you huhh? I also hate your those cheeps lectures. It's the most hated thing for me"

"How dare you say this? Respect my work. My passion is better than yours at least it's a respectable work not like you-" she cut me.

"Maahir just stop there. Every work has there own respect. And I love my work very much. If you can't respect my work then I can't marry a person who had so low mentality. I'm done with this."

I hold her hand when she's about to leave.

"What the hell you're saying? You can't do this. After 4 days we're going to marry" I said as it's already 12:30. We come late so no one will notice.

"So what. It's over" she jerking my hand sit in car and left.

"Bela...... Bela" I shouted but she didn't heard, I sit in my car and left behind her. She can't do this. I'll not let it. I love her and marry her only.

POV ends,

There's comes Kuhu and Siya who listening half talking about breaking marriage and as Yuvi and Abhijit comes solving inside matter hearing all from two girls got tensed.

Bela is driving car on full speed witb red puffy eyes and wiping her tears continuously from another hand and Maahir is also following her car.

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