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No matter how hard I tried, sleep wasn't an option last night. Now it's morning and I want to bed down, but it's two minutes until six, so there's really no point.

I sat up in my bed, slowly pushing myself off the mattress. My legs felt a bit sore, but that made sense. They'd been sore ever since I ended up on the streets. I did a few stretches to ease that pain a little.

Outside my room, Calli and Vallen were chatting about the schedule. "Who gets up at six in the morning? You have to be awake all throughout daylight hours everyday! I don't understand people," Calli sighed.

"But a person's productivity rate increases when there is natural light outside. It's like vampires and blood. They need it to act normal," Vallen replied.

I pushed my door open. Both vampires turned their attention to me.

"Good morning, (f/n)," Vallen greeted. "Sleep well?"

"As if," I grumbled. He nodded once in agreement.

"Once Theo and Melody get out here, we were going to head down to the cafeteria. Obviously, I was going to ask if you wanted to walk down with us."

"Yeah, sure, whatever."

The three of us waited for our other two nocturnal friends. They were both out of their rooms by 6:07. Most of the other kids would be in the cafeteria by now. The five of us headed that way at a slightly quicker pace than normal.


Just about all the children who were in the crowd yesterday were already in the room. Instead of just one big table, this orphanage had a few tables with about four chairs at each one.

My four friends followed me to get our breakfast. The food was already on plates. A perfectly balanced meal. I led the way to an empty table, my breakfast in hand.

The four vampires with me took their seats at the table after me (I had dragged a chair from a different table over so we could all sit together). We all ate our food quietly.

Halfway through my meal, I noticed everyone was talking about us. They were saying things most people did about us. How we're so beautiful and so perfect. They have no idea.

I left my friends to eat their breakfast without me after I decided I wasn't very hungry anymore. I needed more blood tablets. The desire to just attack one of these kids wouldn't leave. I tossed out the remains of my meal and headed directly to the restroom.

Once there, I locked the door so no one could get in. I shook a tablet into my hand, proceeding to toss it into my mouth. They didn't taste all that great, but if I refuse to take them, I know what will happen. I try not to overdose on them, but believe me, it's tempting. I wonder if it's possible to build an addiction to these....

I gave myself a minute to let the tablet work it's magic before I left the restroom. It was now 6:15. There isn't really anything on the schedule.... I should probably ask Roger.

Roger was already in his office, working on whatever it is he does. He looked up at the sound made by the door. "(f/n). What brings you here?"

"I would like to know what exactly we are supposed to do throughout the day," I explained.

"You can spend your time between meals studying, or whatever you want to do. It is required that you do at least one study session between whichever two times on the schedule besides curfew and morning."


"But today, Sophia is going to take you and your friends clothes shopping. That will happen at 7:30. I want all five of you to meet her at the front door."

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