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An: sorry there hasn't been a lot with the successors yet. They're going to become incorporated more often soon.

After reading half a book, I started becoming intensely interested in that kid. I don't know why. I could hardly focus on what I was reading. He seemed to always sit alone, always paying all his attention to his books, always vulnerable....

I understood now.

I forgot to take any blood tablets.

And I'm thirsty.

I quickly shook a few tablets out of the container and tossed them in my mouth, concealing them in my pocket once more. Just a few minutes, and I'll be fine again.

The longest few minutes of my life.

I unconsciously stood up, then forced myself back down. Dammit, work faster! I stared at him, not even blinking.

Will it take effect quicker if I take more?

I decided to test the theory. I took three more. Six in total. That's way more than I've ever been given by my parents, but I couldn't break the rules. Sucking the blood of these children could get me death sentenced.

I finally felt myself calm down. I sighed in relief. I have to be more careful next time. If I slip up, what will they do to my friends? I don't even want to know.

I shook my head, then went back to studying again.

That will never happen again.


I ate lunch with Calli and Melody while Vallen sat with a group of fangirls so they wouldn't bother us too much. Theo skipped lunch so he could study.

"Have you both been taking your tablets frequently?" I asked.

"Yeah. They aren't as good as real blood, but whatever," Melody replied. "Any particular reason why?"

"I forgot to this morning, and there was almost an accident in the library. My urge to drink someone's blood is strong, so please be careful. If you feel like the tablets aren't helping suppress the hunger, I'll let you have some of my blood."

"Oh, no no no. No. We can't let you do that," Calli denied. Melina nodded in agreement.

"I really don't mind as long as it's just a small amount."

"We can't do that."


We went on talking about random subjects until we finished eating. All of us decided to study together. I told them how different the history people study is from the one we know, so we all worked on that subject.

That must have been the most useless study session ever.

We spent most of it ranting quietly about how wrong their history was. Most of the true parts were all when the people were right.

Not a lot got done is what I'm trying to say.

After eating dinner together with the boys, Calli suggested I sleep in her room with Melody.

"Let's have a sleepover! We used to do it all the time, it'll be fun!"

"It's different when we live two feet apart," I pointed out.

"Please? We can stay up and talk about boys~"

"You act like a basic white girl." Melody liked stereotyping people.

"Gee thanks. Anyway, (f/n), please?"

"Okay okay, fine. Let's have a sleepover."


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