chapter 4 > curly dadan & the bandits

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- eiko d. shinji pov -

My eye twitched a bit when I could just sense eyes staring at me but I was too tired to open my eyes & see who it was, if people were awake I guess its the morning. As soon as we made it back home, after the boys told me the direction where they live, we fell asleep almost immediately. I heard something but chose ignore it as I tighten my grip on the boys who passed out in my arms, I smile softly when I felt one of them tighten their grip on me

"Boss! Boss! This is unbelievable!!" I hear a scream & it made me stir in my sleep

"Huh? Wha..."

"What the hell is this?!" I set up, after gently setting the boys down, & look up to see a whole lot of people staring at us, me particularly. I see in front of them all was a rather large lady with long orange hair, I sniff "Who are you?!" I scratch the back of my neck before extending it out to her

"Eiko D. Shinji! Its a pleasure to meet you!" I exclaim, I laugh when she smacked my hand away

"I don't care who you are! What are you doing in here?!" I gesture at the boys 

"Garp told me that I had to "babysit" them because the person who was doing it was doing a terrible job." I shrug at the end "Now, who are you?" 

"D-Dadan...!" I nod my head "Wait, Garp-san did mention you when he came yesterday... you're a mercenary, aren't you?! Quick Fire!" I nod my head again

"That's right, & you're a bandit. We aren't going to have any problems, now are we?" she shook her head "That's good! Lets try & get along." I nod my head before flopping backwards, regretting it immediately after remembering I wasn't on a bed but the wooden floor, with my eyes closed I furrow my brows when I felt one of the three suddenly get up 

"Hey! You're Dadan, right?! I'm Sabo!"

"Sabo? I've heard of that name."

"Really? That makes it a lot easier for me, then. Let's try getting along starting today, neh?" I held back a chuckle when I heard her smack his hand away

"Get along? Don't tell me you think you're staying here? I've already got two & a mercenary! I don't need anymore snort noised brats to look after. You gotta be kidding me! If you're the Sabo I've heard about, I've heard that you're a little shit!" I laugh at that, she glared at me "& you! Don't think just because you're high & mighty, means you get to sit back & relax!"

"Okay okay..." I lay on my side with the side of my face leaning on my open palm just as Ace & Luffy get up & stand behind Sabo

"I've heard that you're a real bitch!!" I burst out laughing as soon as I heard him say that, I roll onto my side & continue to laugh as the ASL ran out

"That's not what you should say, Sabo!" I cry out, I stood up & walk out of the hut & stood beside her as we both watch the ASL run off into the forest

"Oh! Hey Dadan! While we're out, Bluejam's crew might come around. So be careful!" I look at the bandits

"Bluejam might be coming? Why?" the short one questioned, the taller two shrug

"Because Ace & Sabo stole their money, beat up a few of their crew mates while I killed Porchemy." they look at me shocked "Well they deserved it, I've met a lot of cruel pirates like him but he doesn't take the cake, he's just another pirate crossed off the list." I casually explain as I scratch my cheek "So you shouldn't be worried if that Bluejam comes around! I can take care of him!"

"... overconfident I see." 

"No, overpowered." I shook my head

"Nah, I'm just a merc." with that I smile at them, I follow them back into the house & Dadan threw a broom into my hands

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