chapter 14 > act more brotherly

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(this is just a chapter for fun)

- eiko d. shinji pov -


"Ow…" I look over at Dadan when I heard her suddenly say that, I was reading the book Gloriosa gave me when Dadan say that, I look down at the ground when I heard a soft thump & saw it was a grumbled up piece of paper. Dadan & I look at each other before she turned around to grab it, she picked it up, uncrumbled it & saw it was a note with a rock in it

"What it say?" I ask, she just stared at it confused before handing it to me

'I've founded my own country.'

"Country?" we both question, another crumbled up paper ball came in & this time Dogura caught it, he read it this time then handed it to me

'Me too.'

"What?" they shrug, we look at each other before getting up & walking outside to see Ace & Luffy in separate looking huts with the labels "Ace's Country" & "Luffy's Country" on them "You two, what is going on?"

"I'm going to learn to survive on my own." Luffy answered "You guy's can be Dadan's Country." I look over at her

"They can't be serious." she just sighed

"You haven't been with them for as long as I have, they really are." I face palm

"What happened to that brotherly moment you two had weeks ago?!" they look away from me

"Never happened!" an irk mark appeared on my forehead as my hair slowly started to flare up in annoyance & anger

"You little…"

(Flashback End)

"How long do you think its gonna last, Magura?" I ask without taking my eyes of the page I was reading as I sat on the floor with the book in my hand & my free hand was on fire though I was changing the temperatures of the flame & even the color

"The rain or Ace & Luffy?" I hum as I look outside to see the rain pouring rather heavily

"Hmm, both." he tapped his chin

"A few hours for the rain &… a few hours for the boys." I raise an eyebrow at that & look up at him

"A few hours for the boys? Why do you say that, Magura?" he laughs lightly

"This is them we're talking about, they'll forgive & forget." I sigh & look back down at my book

"I beg the differ." he chuckled

"Whatever you say." there was suddenly knocking, I look at him "Now who could that be?" I shrug & move my eyes back to the page I was on as he stood up

"Hey! Dadan's country! Is anyone here?!" I pull the book away from my eyes when I heard Ace's voice "Luffy is injured! Please, treat his wounds!" hearing that made me slam the book shut as I stood up

"He's what?!" Magura & I shared looks before quickly opened the door

"Magura! Please, help Luffy!"

"Now now… please, come in quickly!" & in came Ace with an unconscious & bloody Luffy on his back

"What the hell happened?!" he didn't answer me as he set Luffy down on a bed then sat against the wall with his arms covering his face, I shook my head & watched as Magura aided Luffy's wounds "Ace… what happened?" he swallowed thickly

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