Chapter 6 - Obsessed

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Asher's POV

It had been the most beautiful month of my life. I had been counting the hours to see Eleanor. I couldn't get her out of my mind for a second. Everything reminded me about her. I was obsessed with her. I couldn't get enough of her.

After getting ready, I left my penthouse. This evening, I was attending the gala. There would be so many businessmen, celebrities and so on. But there was the only one who I couldn't wait to see. My Juliet.

As soon as I walked into the event hall, I searched for Eleanor. The happiness filled my heart as I saw my beautiful woman. She looked smoking hot in her black long dress. When she saw me, she gave me her mesmerizing smile. I winked at her.

I sipped my whiskey while talking to my best friend, Felix. We grew up together. Our fathers were friends as well.

I looked at Eleanor. She was laughing happily while talking to her friend. When she laughed, she looked more beautiful. I liked seeing her smiling. Especially, when I made her smile.

"Hey, are you listening to me?" Felix asked, annoyed.

"Huh?" I gave him a questioning look.

"Where were you looking at?" He asked in mischief and looked in the same direction where I was looking.

"Are you kidding me? Eleanor Miller? Dude, you are playing with fire." He said, smirking and shook his head.

"It is too late." I winked at him and placed my glass down on the table.

I went towards Eleanor. She turned around, surprised as her friend told her something. Most probably, she told her that I was coming.

I held her hand and said. "Dance with me."

"No." She refused, giving me a warning look and tried to pull her hand away, looking at the people around us.

"Come on." I said, smiling and dragged her towards the dance floor with me.

I wrapped my arms around her waist, pulling her closer to me. She breathed deeply and placed her hands on my shoulders. I plunged my eyes into her captivating eyes, ignoring everyone beside us.

 I plunged my eyes into her captivating eyes, ignoring everyone beside us

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"We will get into trouble. You know it?!" She stated and gave me a nervous smile.

I shrugged my shoulders with a reckless expression on my face. "I am not interested in other people's thoughts."

I am just interested in you, baby.

"If my father..."

I placed my finger on her lips, silencing her. "Just enjoy our dance." I whispered huskily in her ear.

Eleanor's POV

"What is going on?" Jane asked in curiosity, giving me a mischievous grin as I approached her after my dance with Asher.

I smiled, pursing my lips without saying anything.

"Oh my goodness! You and he?!" She asked in surprise.

I nodded, smiling. "Yes. We are. But it is not like you think." I said, biting my lower lip. She gave me a confused look. I breathed deeply and explained everything to her.

"Are you sure? I don't know, but..." She gave me a concerned look.

"I know, it is normal. But..." I shook my head. "But I am happy. Really happy. He makes me feel special." I confessed. She gave me a sympathetic look.

"I hope he will not mess up." She said. I bit my lower lip without saying anything.

I felt Asher's eyes on me while talking to Jane. When I looked at him, our eyes met. His gaze was so intense. He was devouring me with his eyes and setting me on fire at the same time.

He gestured to me to follow him. I placed my glass on the table and went after him, trying not to draw attention.

As I approached him, he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into one of the empty rooms. He closed the door behind us and placed his hands on my hips, pressing his bulge into my stomach. I placed my hands on his chest. My heartbeats accelerated. He placed a kiss on my neck, breathing in my scent.

He rubbed his nose against my skin and traveled his lips down to my breast

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He rubbed his nose against my skin and traveled his lips down to my breast. He placed a soft kiss between my breasts.

"I am obsessed with you." He murmured huskily, breathing in my scent.

He removed the straps of my dress, letting my dress slide down to my waist. He cupped my breast while he took my nipple into his mouth. I moaned, closing my eyes and gripped his hair. He bit my nipple slightly, making me moan louder.

"Be quiet, baby." He murmured, pressing his nose against my belly, breathing in my scent.

He moved his lips down, placing several kisses. The wild desire ran throughout my system. This man made me forget about everything when I was beside him.

He pulled my dress down and placed a kiss in between my legs. I pursed my lips, trying not to moan and gripped his hair tightly, making him groan.

He straightened and pulled the foil out of his pocket. He turned me around and ordered me to bend over. I obeyed and placed my hands on the wall, bending down. I heard him unbuckling his belt and unzipping his fly.

He pulled my panties down in torturing slowness. The goddess inside me was dancing happily. I wanted to feel him. I groaned as he slammed inside me.

"Be quiet, Eleanor." He demanded in an authoritarian tone.

I tried not to moan, but when he was thrusting inside me roughly, it was out of question.

"Damn...Eleanor....someone....will" He said, annoyed while thrusting inside me.


Asher covered my mouth with his hand, silencing me. He squeezed my butt while moving in and out roughly.

My legs started trembling as I was getting close. I placed my hand on his hand on my mouth, trying to pull his hand away as I couldn't hold my moans anymore.

"No, baby. You are so loud." He whispered arrogantly. There was amusement in his voice as well.


I hated when he tried to silence me.

Ugh! How can I stop myself from moaning when you fuck me mercilessly?

I forgot my annoyance as my body started shaking, and I came, gripping his hand on my mouth. As I was going to collapse, he grabbed me by my hips and slammed inside me hard. He screamed my name out as he came.

We were sitting on the floor, leaning against the wall. We were breathing heavily.

"I hate when you try to silence me." I pouted.

He chuckled and took me in his arms. "Baby, I love hearing your moans. But just me. I don't want anyone else to hear your soft tempting moans." He said huskily and rubbed his nose against my cheek.

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