Chapter 30 - Mr. Know it all

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Eleanor's POV

"Their daughter loves you. Isn't it enough?" I gave him a cocky grin.

He smirked and replied. "Absolutely enough." He kissed me passionately.

"Dadada." Romeo babbled, tapping Asher's cheek.

We pulled back, laughing. I stroked Romeo's hair, amused.

"Possessiveness in genes. Like father, like son." I teased him.

Asher raised his eyebrow playfully. He took Romeo in his arms and placed a soft kiss on his cheek.

"Let's agree, my treasure. Mommy is mine. You will find your girl in the future." He said softly. I smiled, looking at them tenderly. "But when you are alone with your mommy, don't let other men come near her." He stated with a serious expression and winked at him.

I rolled my eyes, annoyed. "You are hopeless." I commented, shaking my head.

"But you adore me." He commented arrogantly, placing his hand on my back protectively. He pulled me closer to him and brushed his lips against mine.

He held my hand and led us inside.

"Finally, your making out ended. I thought I was going to sleep hungry today." His father teased, giving us a mischievous smirk.

My cheeks turned crimson red instantly.

Ugh! Asher!

How didn't we think that they would look at us through the window?!

"Edward!" Asher's mother warned him, trying to hold herself from laughing.

Asher grinned and placed a soft kiss on my cheek.

"Ellie, let me introduce you to my mother, Cecilia and my father, Edward. And this is Eleanor, the love of my life." Asher stated and looked into my eyes affectionately.

I was so touched. I smiled at him happily.

"Nice to meet you, Eleanor. I looked forward to meeting you." Cecilia said softly and hugged me.

"Nice to meet you, too." I said, smiling and hugged her back.

"Welcome to our family." Edward declared warmly and extended his hand towards me.

I was surprised. I shook his hand and gave him a warm smile.

"Thank you."

"And this little man is Romeo. My treasure." Asher introduced and placed a soft kiss on his cheek. "And they are your grandpa and grandma." Asher told Romeo softly.

"Oh. Look at this little handsome." His mother said, smiling while looking at Romeo. "Could I hold him?" She asked me. I nodded, smiling. "Hey, come to your granny." She cooed Romeo and took him in her arms.

Asher placed his hand on my lower back protectively and gave me a wide smile. I smiled at him back.

His mother kissed Romeo's head, stroking his back gently while smiling happily.

"Hey, little boy." Edward said softly and stroked Romeo's hand gently.

Two months later

I rushed into the bathroom, covering my mouth with my hand as the wave of nausea hit me. After throwing up, I washed my face. But I still felt bad.

I placed my hand on my stomach and went back to my room. I grabbed my bag and pulled a pregnancy test out of my bag. I bought it yesterday as I got suspicious that I was pregnant. I had been throwing up the last three weeks. I had dizziness and mood swings as well.

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