Chapter 19 - His demons

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Asher's POV

I was working in my office when my phone rang. It was my father.


"Asher, I heard about the property. I am proud of you, son. You managed a difficult thing that I hadn't accomplished all these years." My father said proudly.

I sighed. "Dad, I didn't do it for you and your meaningless war. You know it." I reminded, bored.

"I know." He said dryly. "Unfortunately, you did it to get that girl back. But still I am proud of you, Asher." He added.

"Dad, I have to go to the meeting. I will call you later." I lied.

"Ok. See you later."

I placed my phone down on the desk and closed my eyes, leaning back against my seat.

Suddenly, my phone rang.

"Yes?" I snapped.

"Mrs. Wright wants to see you, sir." My secretary informed.

"Let her in." I said and stood up as I hung up.

My mother walked in and closed the door behind her. I approached her, giving her a warm smile. When I wanted to kiss her cheek, she stopped me by placing her hand on my chest. She looked furious. I looked at her, puzzled.

"What the hell have you done, Asher Edward Wright?!" She snapped.

"What have I done, Mom?" I asked, confused.

"You are becoming like your father. A ruthless, cruel, heartless businessman. I was always afraid that you would look like him. But now you are worse than him." She stated bitterly, a mixture of sadness and concern in her eyes.

She sat down on a vacant seat and placed her clutch on my desk angrily. I sighed and sat down on my seat.

"Why did you buy that property? Why do you get involved in their non-stop business fight?" She asked, shaking her head in disapproval.

"Mom, I am not interested in this rivalry. I bought that property to bring Eleanor back, nothing more. It was the only way. I didn't have another choice." I confessed.

"Do you think she will thank you for destroying her father's business?" My mother asked mockingly. "Don't be ridiculous." My mother snapped, waving her hand in the air.

"Mom, I planned everything. Don't worry. I didn't do it to destroy her father. I just want to make Eleanor forgive me and to get back together with her. For this, I have to bring her back." I explained.

My mother sighed. "I hope you will not regret it." She said as she stood up. She grabbed her clutch and stormed out.

I sighed, running my hand through my hair.

My mother knew everything about Eleanor and me; I told her everything. As much as she absolutely disapproved of my behavior towards Eleanor, and she was angry at me, she was beside me and supported me in my bad times when I had been just drinking without leaving my penthouse, feeling desperate, because I couldn't find where Eleanor was.

Eleanor's POV

I was pushing Romeo's pram while strolling at the park. He was staring at me, babbling while playing with his stuffed giraffe. It was his favorite toy. He never fell asleep without it.

I sat down on the bench and stroked his cheek affectionately, smiling. Then I grabbed my phone and called my father.

As much as he tried not to show me, but I felt something was wrong. His voice was sad.

"Dad, are you okay?" I asked, worried.

"Yeah, dear." He replied.

"Dad! I know something is wrong. Is my mother okay?" I asked, concerned.

"She is fine. Don't worry. It is about the company." My father informed.

"What happened?" I asked.

"...Asher..." He mumbled. As I heard Asher's name, my heartbeats increased. "He had bought the property." My father said.

"What?!" I snapped, running my hand through my hair angrily. "How could he do it? Without that property, the project is useless." I stated.

He breathed in deeply. "I know."

"What will you do now?" I asked, concerned. "Why did he buy it? Did he say anything?" I asked.

Yes, our fathers were enemies, but Asher never got involved in it. But why did he buy that property? I couldn't understand it.

"Because that bastard wants you back." He hissed.

"What?" I asked, dumbfounded.

He breathed deeply and said. "He offered me to be a co-partner in this project. But he had a condition; he wants to work with you, not me."

"Umm...." I was speechless. I took a deep sigh, running my hand through my hair. "Ok, Dad. Tell him I accept it." I said.

As much as I didn't want to see Asher again, but I had to accept it. I couldn't let him destroy our company because of me. It was a big mistake that I got in a relationship with him, but I would not let my family pay for my mistakes instead of me. There was the only thing I didn't regret from our relationship; it was my little boy, Romeo. I smiled, looking at my son and stroked his chubby hand.

"No, Eleanor. Don't worry. I will handle the situation." He said firmly. "Eleanor, I have to go. Take care, dear!"

"See you." I placed my phone into my bag.

Ugh! Asshole! I hate you, Asher!

Romeo started crying. He was a sensitive child. He started crying when he sensed my anxiety or stress.

I took him in my arms and kissed his cheek.

"My boy, your dad is a real tyrant." I commented angrily.

"Dada....da." He babbled, sucking his giraffe's head.

I shook my head, sighing as I stroked his hair and pulled his toy out of his mouth.


I was watching the view through the window while I was in the taxi. I missed this city. It had been a year since I left this city which brought me unhappiness. But now I was back. However, I was not alone; I was with my real happiness, my son. I stroked Romeo's head who was sleeping peacefully in my arms, gripping his giraffe's neck.

The driver stopped the taxi in front of our mansion. The driver got out of the car and opened the door for me. I got out of the car, holding my boy in my arms carefully.

The securities rushed towards me, greeting me and took my suitcases. I ignored their curious eyes while they were staring at my son who was playing with my hair and walked towards the mansion.

"Let's meet your grandparents, Romeo." I said softly and kissed his forehead.

I breathed deeply and knocked on the door.

The housekeeper opened the door and let me in. She said my parents were in the living room. I nodded and went to the living room.

When my parents saw me, they smiled happily and stood up. As they noticed Romeo, they looked at me, confused.

"Whose baby is it?" My father asked, perplexed.

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