Chapter 22 - Sins

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Asher's POV

I was staring at Eleanor while she was checking the paperwork. She looked so beautiful. I wanted to touch, to kiss her. I missed her so much. I missed feeling her in my arms. But she was still resisting.

It had been a month since we signed the contract. I arranged meetings with her, pretending that something was wrong, or I didn't like the details in the design and so on. As much as I tried to persuade her to forgive me, she was stubborn like a mule. I couldn't know how to make her forgive me.

My stubborn woman.

But I felt that she didn't forget me. I felt it every time we stayed alone. When I kissed, touched her, her body responded to my touches as much as she tried to stay indifferent. Suddenly, her phone rang, interrupting my thoughts. She pulled her phone out of her bag. Her expression changed as she looked at the screen. Her face lit up. She smiled and picked her phone up.

"My sweetheart." She said happily.

Sweetheart?! Who is this bastard?

I gritted my teeth, looking at Eleanor. She was giggling while talking. Anger was building inside me.

"Yes, I am coming." She replied.

At least now she was not grinning ear-to-ear. I was holding myself hard not to scatter the office.

She hung up and put her phone into her bag. She closed the file and stood up as she took her bag.

Miss is hurrying. She doesn't wait to see her lovely bastard.

Fuck! Look at her expression. As she heard his voice, her mood changed instantly.

"Ok, then I will talk to the architect about changing the design of the roof." She informed.

I stood up and put my hands into my pockets. I was fuming. I approached her.

"Who called you?" I asked firmly.

She raised her eyebrow

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She raised her eyebrow. "It is none of your business." She replied, annoyed.

"Eleanor! Who was he? Do you have a boyfriend?" I snarled, clenching my fist.

"Don't yell at me! I told you it is none of your business." She declared angrily.

"How many times should I repeat that you are mine?! It is my damn business, and everything about you is my business. Get it?" I snapped angrily and  grabbed her arm.

"Let go of me. You are hurting me." She stated, trying to pull her arm away. I released her arm. "I am not yours. Get it into your thick skull! We broke up, and I will be with whoever I want. You can not intervene in my personal life. I forgot you." She snarled, emphasizing the last words.

I placed my hand on the back of her neck and pulled her closer to me. I smashed my lips against her lips and wrapped my arm around her waist while kissing her in a demanding and possessive kiss.

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