Chapter 31 - Sharing happiness

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Eleanor's POV

He looked at me, dumbfounded. A few seconds later, the corner of his lips curled up in a smirk. He lifted me up and swirled me around.

"I am going to be a father again

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"I am going to be a father again." He screamed.

He set me on my feet and kissed my lips tenderly as he cupped my cheeks.

"Ugh! Don't kiss me. I am still angry at you." I snarled as I pushed him back angrily. "I told you to use damn condoms or pull out, but you! You asshole!" I snarled.

He looked at me, amused.

"Hey, don't stare at me!" I exclaimed.

"I love you, woman. I am deeply, madly in love with you." He confessed and kissed my lips.

He pulled back and cupped my cheeks, looking at me affectionately.

"I always hit the bull's eyes." He added, amused and winked at me.

I shook my head, pursing my lips together, trying to hold myself from smiling.

"I hate you." I muttered, sighing.

He smiled and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me closer to him.

"I hate you, too." He said, amused and hugged me tightly, stroking my hair.

I smiled and hugged him back. He managed to vanish all my anger with his warm touches. I couldn't stay angry at him. I didn't understand how he managed it.

My irresistible man.

"I know you are scared after your first pregnancy. You were alone during your pregnancy when you needed me beside you more than ever. But instead of supporting you, I was a real coward when you told me about your pregnancy." He sighed sadly. "I promise you. This time I will be beside you and support you at all stages of your pregnancy and after giving birth. I will take care of you without taking my eyes off you for a second while this little one is growing here." He said affectionately, stroking my stomach, and kissed my forehead.

"Oh, Ash." I murmured as my eyes welled up by happiness and hugged him tightly. "I love you." I admitted, hugging him.

"I love you too, Juliet." He said and placed a soft kiss on my neck.


I was playing with my fingers nervously while looking at my father who was making funny faces to Romeo, making Romeo giggle.

How would I tell my parents that I was pregnant? My father was offended at me, because I forgave Asher. Now, when I told him about my pregnancy, he would get furious.

"Dear, are you okay?" My mother asked, concerned, drawing my father's attention to me.

"Yeah, Mom. Just...." I paused, biting my lower lip. "I have to tell you something."

They looked at me curiously.

I breathed in deeply and said all in one breath. "Umm...I am pregnant."

Their eyes widened in shock. My father placed Romeo on the couch as he gritted his teeth. His muscles tensed.

"Umm... Is the baby Asher's?" My mother mumbled.

"Of course, it is that prick's baby." My father snapped, clenching his fist. "Your daughter is so naive. She didn't get bored with making the same mistakes." He snarled and stood up.

He started pacing back and forth, frustrated.

"You are here about three months, and he has already knocked you up. How could you trust him again after what he had done? Are you blind?! " He yelled at me.

"Arthur, please." My mother pleaded.

"What, Julia?!" My father snapped at her. "Where are you going this time when he dumps you again after learning about your pregnancy?" He asked mockingly.

"Dad, please. Yes, I know you are worried about me. But it is different now. Yeah in the past, Asher acted like a jerk, but he changed. He regrets what he had done. But it is the past. We talked and solved our problems." I said honestly. "Asher knows about my pregnancy. I told him yesterday. He is happy and excited that we are expecting a baby. He promised me that he would not repeat his old mistakes. And I trust him." I stated, looking into his eyes. "Dad, I love him so much. And now, we are having a baby again." I smiled, placing my hand on my stomach. "I believe it will be different this time, and we will be happy together." I added honestly.

My father breathed in deeply, running his hand through his hair.

"If he messes up this time, I will kill him with my bare hands. Warn him!" My father stated firmly.

I nodded, smiling and hugged him. "Thank you, Dad."

He hugged me back and placed a soft kiss on my hair.

Asher's POV

I parked my car in front of the mansion and got out of the car. I was going to tell my parents about Eleanor's pregnancy. I suggested Eleanor tell my parents about her pregnancy together, but she refused. She told me that it would be better if I told them alone, because she would feel shy and uncomfortable. So I didn't insist on it. Meanwhile, she was going to tell her parents about her pregnancy. Actually, my mind was there. We both knew that his father would get furious by this news.

I was on cloud nine. I couldn't stop myself from smiling since yesterday. I was going to be a father again.

Another baby.

I was so excited.

"Good evening, Mom." I said happily and kissed her cheek.

"Good evening, Ash." My mother greeted me, smiling.

"Dad." I gave him a wide smile.

"Wow! What happened? Your eyes are shining differently today." My mother asked in curiosity, smiling.

"Because, I heard some good news yesterday." I said, excited and gave them a wide smile.

They gave me a questioning look

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They gave me a questioning look.

"I am going to be a father again. Eleanor is pregnant." I confirmed happily.

"Oh my...I am so happy." My mother confessed happily and hugged me, crying.

"Mom. Don't cry." I said softly and wiped her tears off her cheeks.

"It is from happiness, dear." She admitted, giving me a warm smile. "This time I hope everything will be different, and you and we will be beside Eleanor during her pregnancy." My mother added softly, stroking my cheek.

"Me, too, Mom. Me too." I hugged her.

"Congratulations, Asher." My father said proudly, giving me a warm smile and hugged me.

"Thanks, Dad." I hugged him back.

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