Chapter 6: Behind Closed Doors

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Harry's POV:

My phone buzzed signaling I had a text. I rolled my eyes at the recipient. Dad. I wasn't in the mood for him but I opened the text any ways.

"Leaving for supper at 6. Be ready. Dress casual" Great! The day just keeps getting worse! I glanced at the clock, 5. I have an hour to get ready. I walked over to the crammed living room where everyone was sitting, watching the small tele in front of them.

"Going out to dinner in an hour. Casual dress." I announced before immediately turning on my heel and walking towards the door that leads outside, a pair of footsteps walking behind me

"And where do you think YOU'RE going?!" Louis' overly excited voice rang in my ears. Don't get me wrong, I love the lad, he's my best mate, but he was just too cheery for my liking at the moment. I turned around to face him, giving him a slightly annoyed look, but not too harsh

"Well, if we're going to bathe then the bathroom in the house is our only option. So it's first come first serve"

An evil smirk formed on his face, but, before I had time to question it, he shoved past me and down the stairs as he bolted to the house.

"TOMMO! That was low!" I yelled after him, which only made him run faster in fear I would catch up with him. I forced a smirk as I brought out my phone and sent a message to Gemma. Thank goodness we get along so well!

"Tommo is coming, don't let him in and make sure dad doesn't either."

I chuckled to myself as my phone vibrated a few seconds later with her response.

"Sure thing! Or you could let him take a shower first since me and dad already managed to take all the hot water and he would have to endure a cold shower ;)"

"I like the way you think big sis! ;) let him in then!"

I watched as the door opened as Louis reached the front door most likely out of breath.

"Next time, Tommo! Just you wait and see!" I yelled to him to play along with mine and Gemma's prank.

As I ventured away from the camper I noticed a small barn in front of it. Has it really been there this whole time? What was behind those white doors? Not able to contain my curiosity I walked to the red building and pushed open the white doors.

The smell was horrifying and as I looked around I could see why. Horses. 2 horses stared back at me. One a solid brown and the other a pure white with a charcoal mane. I'm not big into farm animals, probably because I've never seen them in person. To be completely honest, I preferred it that way. In person, they were gigantic and very much so intimidating. The white horse, seemingly uninterested of my presence, walked over to the hay in the stall it was held in. But the other continued to stare me down as if daring me to move. Don't worry mate, that's not happening any time soon.

"What the hell are you doing in here?!" startled by the voice I jumped back which promptly made the horse stagger back, just as scared as I was. I turned around to put a name to the voice. It was Rylan. Why in bloody hell was she out here instead of inside where everyone else probably were now. I glared back into her cold eyes as her arms were abruptly folded over her chest in an annoyed and furious manner.

"What's it to you?" I retorted with just as much confidence as she seemed to hold.

"You're in MY barn, with MY horses! The only people allowed to be in here are me, Kylee, my mom, and-" her voice seemed to drop considerably "m-my... Dad." I watched as a single tear rolled down her cheek which see quickly wiped away with the back of her hand "your dad sent me out here to get you. Everyone's ready to go" she dropped her head and sauntered out of the barn. What am I supposed to do? I mean she hates me. If I were to even attempt to comfort her I'm pretty sure I would be going to dinner with a blackened eye. So instead I followed a few feet behind her, back to the house. Maybe she isn't as tough as she makes herself out to be. If we could maybe get past this "hating each other" stage, we could at least be civil with each other. I guess we'll just have to see what the summer brings us.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 13, 2012 ⏰

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