Chapter 2: Unanswered Questions

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Harry's POV:

I was just about to walk out the door when I overheard my father on the phone. Being my nosey self, I decided to eavesdrop on the conversation at hand. It was probably just another girl he planned to sleep with tonight. After all, I'm told I get my charming good looks and flirtatious personality from him. I smiled and pressed my ear against his bedroom door

"Me? Don't you think it would be better if--" I assumed he was cut off when he didn't have a chance to finish his sentence.

"I understand... When would you like me to come?" he replied cooly after a few seconds. I heard him sigh "I'll be there. See you tomorrow." he hung up and I quickly bolted to the door, sprinting out before he had a chance to notice I had heard everything. Once out the door I chuckled to myself "nice going dad" I said to no one in particularly and nodded my head in approval. My phone suddenly dinged. It was Liam, of course. Daddy direction texting me to nag me about the time

"Harry! I'm tired of hearing Niall whine! You never keep Niall and his food waiting!"

I chuckled and shook my head "just pick him up a donut. I'm just now leaving, sorry!" I sent the message and popped the phone into my pocket and headed towards the car, but quickly turning back when when I realized I had forgotten my wallet inside. As I walked back into the house my dad turned his attention away from the conversation he was having with Gemma and smiled at me worriedly. "Harry... We need to talk" I glanced at my watch and sighed "Dad. I'm already late for breakfast. If I don't go now Niall will kill me for tearing him away from his food" I laughed but noticed my dad's serious, yet pleading, look. I sighed and walked over to him. "what's up?" I asked slightly annoyed at the fact that this conversation couldn't wait.

"We're going to the US for a visit." he explained bluntly.

"What for?" I asked suspiciously. As far as I knew all our relatives lived in the Uk with us. I would know, because I made it tradition to visit them on the unimportant holidays, like they 4th of July, Easter, and occasionally Thanksgiving.

"A business trip... Don't worry, the boys are coming along. It would be just cruel to separate you from them. Plus Liam is good about keeping you in line" he winked. I stared at him in slight disgust.

"And sending me across the country, during my BREAK I might add, isn't cruel?" before he had a chance to reply, and completely forgetting my wallet, I stormed out the door. I grabbed my phone

"Did you hear? A trip to the US. A WEEK before our fucking tour!" Louis always seemed to side with me when I felt something was wrong.

"Yea, he just sent us the text. What is he thinking! If we screw up our first concert or have to cancel it due to the flight delay I blame him!" I smiled at his response and nodded. Man that boy always seems to know how to make everything better. But just wait. Liam, being the suck up he is, will end up siding with my dad. I can just see it now! "Harry I'm sure your dad has a reason for this trip" in his annoying don't-be-so-dramatic voice. Don't get me wrong, I love all my mates, but sometimes I wish Liam would see my side of the story, see why I'm so upset.

As I exited my car and walked toward me and Louis' flat, the usual meeting destination, I sighed rather an exaggerated sigh. Would the guys hate me because of my father's random cross-country vacation? It's not like the tour is ruined. I mean my dad did say we were just visiting, and visiting implied maybe a couple days tops.

As I entered the flat I heard an immediate groan escape Niall's lips


I chuckled slightly, "sorry guys, father held me up." I shrugged it off hoping to drop the subject. But, leave it to Liam to dig deeper in the situation. "oh, about the US trip we're going on? Yea he texted us and told us too. I think it'll be a good time for us to relax before the tour." I heard a sarcastic laugh and turned to the source

"We can relax here at home! Are you really ready to drive on the other side of the road?" leave it to Louis to practically read my mind. I gave him one of my famous smirks and nodded to Liam "and I heard it smells like animal all the time over there!" I protested.

"Hey, lads! At least we get some sun, right? I'm ready to see the sun and not be excluded from our favorite outdoor activities."

"Oh please Zayn! The only reason you want to see the sun is so that the humidity here won't mess up your hair!" Louis laughed and high-fived me behind the back.

"SHUT UP SO WE CAN GO! We have reservation lads!" Niall practically pushed me behind the door and dragged Zayn by the collar to his car. Louis rode with me. While Zayn, Liam, and Niall rode with Liam. I don't think I would be able to handle a full 10-minute ride with Daddy Direction.

Rylan's POV:

After what seemed like hours of sobbing into Kylee, we both walked in the house just as the attorney lady was finishing her phone call

"Well if you can, noon would be an appropriate time to come. It'll give her enough time to herself and plenty of time to sleep. And you can't expect her to immediately welcome you into her life. She's never met you." there was a pause "thank you for your cooperation sir" she then hung up and turned to me. I gave her a confused expression and she sighed before motioning to the couch "I have a lot to tell you. You might want to sit down" I nodded as Kylee and I sat down on the couch. Because there was a coffee table in front of the couch the lady sat on the table to talk. "Well, I'm not sure if your mother told you or not, so I'm going to assume you don't know yet. The father, I take, raised you is your step father. Your birth father lives in England with his son and daughter. And in your mothers will she gave your birth father custody." before she could go on I interrupted rather harshly "So I'm moving to a country I don't know, to live with people that are 'supposedly' my unknown family?" I buried my head in my hands and sighed nervously as Kylee attempted to calm me down by rubbing my back.

"I knew that would be too much to ask of you after everything's that happened, so instead I asked him if he could spend the summer here. And if you feel comfortable enough around them by the end of summer you can move with them back to England. If you decide you want to stay here in the states we have the security checks both you mother and step father have provided you to keep you surviving in an apartment for a few months. But if you decide to stay in an apartment here in the states you'll need to find a job to pay the electric and water bills. In the end it'll be your decision. You have the whole summer to decide." I looked up at her, slightly shocked with the news she bombed on me. Either way I was going to be forced to leave the house I was born and raised in. What about the horses? I can't leave my baby Trickster behind. I raised him!

"What about my horses? You can't expect me to leave them behind either way." the lady gave me a sympathetic look and sighed. Just as she was about to reply Kylee interrupted "if you can choose 2 of the horses I'll keep them in my stall and take care of them ok?" I smiled weakly and gave Kylee a choking hug. Kylee coughed signaling me to let go. As soon as I let go the lady nodded as if wanting to continue. "your father has agreed to arrive by lunch time tomorrow with your half bother and sister." with that she gave me a sympathetic nod and stood up, exiting the house. I turned to Kylee and sighed "can you stay with me tonight? Please?" I asked almost on the verge of tears again. Kylee noticed my somber expression and pulled me into a warming hug "Ry... It's ok to cry... And to answer your question, of course I'll stay. I already told my mom I would probably stay with you tonight for comforting. And you always know I'm a phone call away." I pulled away and nodded. There was a small silence before a sniffle broke the awkwardness "So... Are you curious any about your half brother you've never met before?" I stared at Kylee blankly. As I was about to snap I stopped myself. I have a secret family that I was about to meet tomorrow. A father that I've never known about. There were many questions that I would make sure to get answered tomorrow. But for now I was left wondering about this unknown family. Would they be able to accept me? Or would this summer be even more worse then it already was? Tomorrow would be an interesting day for sure.

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