Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed

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Harry's POV:

"Rylan! Be respectful! This is your brother, Harry Styles."

The words seemed to echo in my ears. Brother? So that makes her my sister? The first thing that came to mind, was the boys. Practical jokes had become a daily routine for us, so there was no doubt in my mind that the boys were behind all of this. Well except for Louis. He knows how far to go and I'm sure he was aware that the lads took this too far and refused to be apart of it.

I turned back to the "awestruck" boys behind me. Nice act guys. "Ok haha!" I replied with my fake laugh "very funny! The joke's over! Tell the actor's to go home, and we can go home too! But don't think this is over! Payback will hit you when you least expect it"

Instead of waiting for a reply, I simply walked past the lads, and back to the jet. On my way back I felt a strong hand on my shoulder to stop me. I didn't even have to look back to know who had me. It was father. I really didn't want to deal with him, but I knew if I decided to disrespect him I would be in for it later on down the road. I took a deep breath, to calm myself down, before turning around to face my father, his face overtaken with a worried expression.

"Harold... As much as you're going to think this is a joke, it's not. Rylan is your half sister. I didn't think I would ever have to tell you about her since she lived so far away, but her parents died in an accident yesterday morning, and in her mother's will" he paused to look down at his hands "she gave me custody over Rylan" he stared back up at me fear filling his eyes.

Everyone knows how I get when I'm mad, so they usually avoid the situation of upsetting me. But this time, this time I didn't know how to react. Instead, I merely looked from the fearful eyes of my father to the confused eyes of my band mates. Ok, so maybe this wasn't a joke, but I sure wished it was. I have a half sister I've never met, and by the looks of things, she wasn't the most pleasant girl I've met before. This should be an interesting summer.

Niall's POV:

Woah. Harry has a half sister? This all felt like a mystery movie and, to be completely honest, it was all entertaining. Rylan, I think that's her name, seemed to have quite an attitude on her. She either had that I-don't-care-who-you-are attitude or she just didn't know who we were. More then likely, she just didn't care. Everyone knows who we are, it's a given fact. At times I wished there was someone who didn't recognize us, so maybe we could act like normal teenagers and actually meet someone who didn't know every single thing about us. That way the friendship would be normal, I get to know her and she gets to know me. As simple as that! But with the band progressing the way it was, the chance of trying to be a normal teen became impossible.

There was something about this girl, who everyone found out has some of Harry's blood, that made her different. Her attitude I admired. She knew how she felt and she wasn't afraid to show us. The lads probably only saw a girl with a major attitude. But me? I saw a girl bubbling with confidence.

Harry's dad interrupted my thoughts. "I canceled the tour for the summer. If we want her to come back with us to England, then we have to let her get comfortable with us first. And the only way to attempt that is by keeping her where she has grown up her whole life."

I watched as Harry's eyes grew with anger. Oh no, here it comes. Mad Harry.

"Who said we even fucking WANTED her to come back with us! You can't just go making our decisions for us! We are adults now! I don't want her in my fucking life! She's nothing but a fucking MISTAKE! YOUR mistake! Don't bring me or ANY of us into your problems!" he was so close to his dad that I swore the next movement from him would be a punch to his face. Instead his dad backed up and shook his head.

"Things are set Harold. Now you and the boys ho pack your bags into the rental van that this kind lady" he motioned to the lady dressed in a dull black pant suit "has generously got for us. Oh and for your outburst you can get your sister's bags too. " Gemma looked up from her phone and smirked then chuckled at her brother's punishment

Wow he managed to stay calm after his own flesh and blood completely disrespected him. Harry must get his anger from his mum.

"Did you just say rental van?" Harry asked, over-exaggerating 'rental' "and Gemma has over 5 bags!" he yelled after his dad and sister who were now climbing into the front of the rusted blue van, obviously ignoring him. I chuckled softly, but I guess not softly enough, because Harry turned and glared at me.

"Shut it Horan! I like you better when you're too busy stuffing your face to talk to us!"

You would think I would be hurt by this comment, but I'm used to the band banter we give each other. I merely smiled and nodded, walking over to the jet where all the bags were piled outside. Me being the lightest packer, I only had 2 bags while the other lads had at least 3. Except Zayn who had 4, one packed completely with his hair supplies. And Gemma, being a typical girl, packing a whopping 7 bags. Being the caring bandmate I am, I grabbed 3 of Gemma's bags to help Harry, which resulted in a thanking nod from Harry as he and the other lads got their bags, Harry grabbing the rest of Gemma's along with his own. I ran ahead of all the other lads, only to trip and fall to the ground, deserving an echo of laughter from my mates. I stood up and brushed myself off before picking up the bags again.

"I meant to do that!" I tried to cover up my clumsiness

"Sure you did Nialler!" Liam walked up behind me patting my back and shaking his head as he continued to laugh softly.

We all threw our bags, me and Harry hauling Gemma's too, into the bag of the older van and climbed in. Louis and Harry in the back, no doubt so Harry was as far away from his dad as possible, while me, Liam, and Zayn sat behind Gemma and Mr. Styles.

"So where in Tennessee does she actually live?" Louis voice yelled up to get Mr. Styles attention.

"A little town called Watertown Tennessee." he explained as he started the car and began following the black car in front of him, which I assumed was Rylan, her friend, and the lady dressed in black.

Watertown? Small town? Maybe this is exactly the kind of relaxation we needed. We could always do a world tour next summer, no big deal. This was a new country, full of new surprises, and most of all, secrets that were waiting to be discovered. But I think this one revealed secret was enough for Harry today. We have the whole summer to explore this small town. I know for sure that Rylan would be receiving a lot of my attention whether she liked it or not. She was a girl full of confidence, which is hard to find these days. Or maybe it was just a tough act she decided to put on for us, to hide her sorrow. Either way, this summer I was determined to have her figured out.

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