"And, cut." the director yelled out, "That's a wrap for today."
"Thank you everyone." you said, bowing to anyone that you saw in sight. The crew returned your bows and some patted you on the back. The lights turned off, the camera crew wheeled in their equipment. The production of the latest Kim Taehyung movie, Til We Meet Again, is in progress and you just happened to be screenwriter. The story is about a deaf boy who encounters a bright spirit girl that helped him discover art. A few years later, the boy becomes a famous artist and encounters the girl again, only to find that she got into a car accident that caused her memory loss. Through his art, she's able to slowly regain her memories of him. You've written other movies before, but this is your first big project, and you were so glad the director saw something in you.
The shooting started a month ago and everything seemed to be going well. You just finished shooting the scene where the girl met the guy at school for the first time. She immediately gravitated towards him and his silence, it was comforting for her. You closed your script, jamming it in your bag and tried to find your keys. It's still early Friday night, maybe you could go out with some girlfriends. Oh wait, you have no friends.
"Miss Y/N?" A voice said from behind you. You turned around and almost tripped when you saw who it was.
"Oh, Mr. Kim." your voice was shaking a little. "What can I do for you?"
"Please, just call me Taehyung, we're the same age." He smiled and it almost hid his eyes. Being in his early 20s, he has starred in several films and received many prestigious awards. He's also been dabbing into music, by singing some of his own OST. The title of Nation's Boyfriend was given to him for 3 years in a row. You've been a big fan of his when he first came out. So when you found out he auditioned for the part and got it, you wanted to scream. And now he's standing in front of you. "I just wanted to say good work today." He held out his hand. You stared at it for a while until you got the message to shake it.
"Oh, I should be saying that to you, Mr. Kim, I mean, Taehyung."
"That's only because you wrote an amazing storyline." He shyly rubbed the back of his neck. You've seen it plenty of times before but it's even cuter in person. His beauty is sharp and intimidating, but at times, he can act like a kid.
"Thank you for saying that. It really means a lot."
"Well I hope we get the chance to work together more in the future."
"Yes, that would be amazing!"
"Well, I'll see you Monday." He bowed and left. You were left astonished that you would receive such a compliment from someone like him. It wasn't the first time he had said something like this. When you two first met, he took you and the directors out for dinner as a 'thank you'. He was especially nice to you for some reason. From what everyone could see, he's a good person.
You stood still in your place for a while. The cool air embraced you as you stare out at the serene park. The street lamp illuminated the sidewalk and grass against the black night. It was almost romantic, you haven't been on a date since, well ever. Ever since you were young, you've dived into school and when you graduate, it was just work. It would be nice to get a boyfriend, since your roommate kept on bringing her boyfriend over and you're always third wheeling. But your career is thriving right now, the last thing you need is a distraction. You shook off the thought. The park was now empty. You made your way to the parking lot to your car, it was empty. Or so you thought. A shadow emerged from a dark van, it took a step closer to you. The surrounding leaves crunched under its feet and it stopped. You quickly turned around at the noise, but found nothing.
You once again tried to find your keys. Once you fished them out, the nerves made you drop them on the ground. When you went to grab it, a pair of hands beat you to it. They were big, slender fingers. You looked up at the stranger, he had small eyes, a little nose, plumb lips. He wore a cap, and gray hoodie.
"T-thanks." you said to the stranger.
"No problem Miss Y/N." he said, his voice deep and clear. Somehow, he seemed really familiar, like someone from your childhood or something.
"How do you know my name?"
"Why shouldn't I know it?" You stared at the man, holding on tightly to your purse, holding a firm grip on the pepper spray your brother gave you. Apparently you got into a big accident when you were younger, but your family didn't tell you much about it. Since then, your brother has been more protective over you. You thought he was exaggerating when he said the city is dangerous, but you're so thankful for him now. "Sorry, I didn't mean to freak you out. I'm one of the stunt man. Kim Namjoon, nice to meet you." He held out his hand. You slowly took it.
"Nice to meet you too. But do I know you from somewhere?"
"U-uh, no. It's my first day today. I didn't get a chance to say hello to you, I had to wait until now." He smiled. You noticed his dimples, they seemed innocent. Unlike the aura you're getting from him.
"Oh, alright. Well, get home safely. I will see you Monday?"
"Yes, goodbye miss Y/N." You got into your car, but Namjoon continued standing there, watching as you leave the parking lot. You watched the rear view mirror, he didn't leave until you turned the corner. You heart started beating fast, you began to sweat. There was something wrong with the encounter, as if he was watching you the entire time, waiting for the perfect moment to approach you. He's definitely hiding something. You sped home, feeling uneasy, thank god the road is empty.
Once you got to your apartment, you heard noise from inside. Your roommate must be home, but there was also another voice. Her boyfriend must be over. When you got into the apartment, you saw them cuddling on the couch.
"Hey unnie," she said, "you're home early."
"Hey Lisa. Yeah, the scene ended sooner than we thought." you said, putting your packed lunch in the kitchen. "Hey Jungkook."
"Hey Noona. No plans for tonight?"
"Nope." you sighed, but tried to hide it in your voice.
"Unnie, Jungkook is staying the night, is that okay?" Lisa asked. Her head laid on top of Jungkook's lap on the couch. They were watching a movie, Eternal Sunshine of a Spotless Mind. You dream about being able to write a movie that clever. You were just about done with washing the dishes.
"Alright, I guess I won't be staying home then."
"Unnie, of course you can."
"Honey, every time he comes over, you guys... have a lot of fun and I would rather not disturb that." The two of them looked at each other, and looked at you, shyly. You laughed. "I'll be over at my brother's house then."
"Doesn't he hate people?" Jungkook asked.
"Well, yeah, but I'm his baby sister. He has to deal with me."

Hold Me Tight (Kim Namjoon x Reader)
FanfictionHis pink hair, his dimples, his tall figure. You remember those things. But you have no idea who he is or why he keeps showing up around you. You knew he was dangerous, but you couldn't help but want to be near him. "Did you ever like me?" you aske...